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I turn around at the familiar sound of a certain brunette's voice.  

"Sloane!"  I embrace her into a tight hug.  My eyes tearing at the sight of my friend who I haven't seen since the parking lot.  I pull away from her mirroring embrace to look over her shoulders.  "Are Brooke and Harrison with you?"

Sloane scrunches her face in disgust.  "Ew, Brooke, no."  Her face softens once she sees my look of concern.  "I haven't seen Harry since we all separated at the infirmary.  Brooke, too.  Ray and Chet bolted somewhere, and I haven't seen Rita either."

I scoff.  "Yeah, we have a lot of catching up to do.  But where were you?  We were all so worried."

Sloane's eyes grow wide as her mouth forms a small smile.  "About that.  You'll never guess where I was."  She pauses for a moment, but I know better than to try to guess because she'll just tell me anyways.  "So, after the Night Stalker, or whatever his name is, attacked us I ran to the mess hall in hopes of someone being there.  Well, my instincts were right because I found Chef Bertie making sandwiches for the kiddos.  And you know how I hate manual labor, but I found myself helping her make sandwiches 'cause what else am I gonna do aside from die in this shithole--"

"Wait, you saw Chef Bertie?"  I interrupt with a wave of my hand.

Sloane shifts her weight from one leg to the other.  She now raises an eyebrow in question.  She hates being interrupted when she's telling a story.

"Yeah, why?"  Her arms cross over each other.  "She isn't that exciting to be around."

I sigh with an eyeroll.  "I don't care about that.  I'm only asking because Xavier left about an hour ago to take her to the dead guy's car."  I knit my eyebrows together afraid of what her answer is going to be to my next question.  "Did you see him?"

Sloane's face drops.  "No.  I was out of there way before the gunshot.  Bertie was still making sandwiches when I left."

My throat swells as my heart drops.  Maybe Sloane left the mess hall way before we took Chet to the infirmary, but I can't shake this feeling that Xavier is in trouble.

"Hey."  Sloane's voice is soft as my attention is drawn back to her.  She embraces me in another hug.  "I'm sure Xavier is fine.  He's strong and pretty smart.  I wouldn't worry too much about him."

A tear escapes on to my cheek as I sniffle.  "I know, but we still have no idea where Brooke and Harry are.  I just don't want him to have the same fate as them."

Sloane pulls away only to move her arms to my shoulders.  "Everyone's gonna be alright.  Now, how about we open this bitch and do some investigating."

She wiggles her dark eyebrows with a smirk, and I am forced to laugh.  While I am worried about the others, I am glad to have found Sloane after all this time.  Perhaps she's right.  Maybe everyone's back in a cabin somewhere waiting for our arrival.  Or Trevor and Xavier were successful with their rescue missions and are waiting for me at the car.  

Sloane gestures for me to open Margaret's cabin door.  I take a deep breath as I'm not entirely sure what to expect on the other side.  After all, the whole camp heard a gunshot come from around here.

I turn the doorknob as Sloane moves closer to me to peer over my shoulder.  I ignore her curiosity as I push the door open further; however, I am met with regret.  My eyes widen at the scene before me.  There's blood coating the rug before us, and it isn't just a little blood.  It's as if someone lost a limb, there's that much blood.  My gaze follows forward, and my hazel orbs fall on to Trevor laying silently on the wooden floor. 

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