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I follow close behind Xavier and Trevor as they carry Chet into the infirmary. Xavier detaches himself from Chet's side to move a mattress on to the bedframe as Chet groans in pain from his shoulder. Trevor moves Chet to help him on to the bed with Xavier's help, who gently lays him down. I push my brunette hair behind my ears and bite my lip in fear of Chet's health.

"You okay?" Xavier voices once Chet is comfortably laying down on the bed.

Chet coughs in response, and I rush to the same side of the bed Xavier is on. I give the blonde a short glance before turning my full attention to Chet. Trevor is rummaging through the cabinets in search of something across from us. He grabs a pair of scissors and turns to kneel down next to Chet.

"Here. Cut 'em open. Here." He instructs Xavier as he hands the scissors over to the blonde.

Xavier takes the metal scissors into his dominant hand before cutting Chet's mud and blood stained white shirt.

"I don't feel so good." Chet says weakly as he continues to cough. "Is this what dying feels like?"

Trevor reaches into a random drawer to pull gauze out. He once again hands the medical equipment over to Xavier who places it gently against Chet's injured shoulder.

"You're gonna be okay. Trevor knows what he's doing." Xavier reassures his friend, but I know it's a lie.

I look over to Trevor as he shoots Xavier a glare followed by a shake of his head. Chet shifts his head to the side and closes his eyes. I instantly begin to panic already imagining the worst.

"Chet!" I place my hand into his and give a light squeeze, being ever so careful since it is on his injured side.

My voice catches the attention of Xavier and Trevor, and they, too, begin to wig out.

"Oh, shit." Xavier exclaims.

Trevor takes a hold of Chet's other side and begins to shake him in hopes of waking him up. "Chet. Chet. Chet." His attempt fails. "God, he's lost a lot of blood."

"He's dead." Xavier states as he gestures a hand to Chet's motionless body.

Tears well into my eyes. "C'mon, Chet. Wake up."

Trevor moves his fingers to check Chet's pulse. "He's not quite dead yet."

He once again reaches into a drawer and pulls out a shot of sorts. He pulls the cap off and positions the needle above Chet's chest getting ready to stab him with it.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" Xavier interjects before Trevor can act.

"It's epinephrine for, like, peanut allergies and shit. It-It's, like, pure adrenaline." Trevor explains as he continues to hold the needle.

Xavier looks at him quizzically. "You sure it's gonna work?"

"It's not gonna make him worse." Trevor responds matter-of-factly.

"Do it." I sigh out just wanting Chet to be functional again.

Xavier nods his head in agreement. Trevor lets out a low breath before he injects the needle into Chet's chest. The three of us sit in silence for a few seconds expecting something to happen; however, Chet remains motionless on the bed. A tear falls down my right cheek, and I quickly wipe it away.

"It didn't work." Xavier voices quietly in defeat.

I jump back into the wooden wall behind me as Chet shoots up from the bed while he screams. The guys jump back, too, from his sudden movement.

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