Things you guys argue about

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-you both glare at each other
-"That pizza is MINE"
-"Fight me"
- you end up winning because your amazing 😘

-Who's got better hair
- "Hehe bitch 😘"
- Flips hair into face
- "Eww you look like you has a snowstorm in your hair"
- Wips hair into face
-"No I do not"
-"Yes you do girl that has Weave"

-Who has the prettiest eyes
-"I have blue eyes"
- If you have brown/hazel eyes:
~ "When us brown eyes step into the light, it's over for you blue eyed bitches"
-If you have green eyes:
~ "Green eyes aren't more rarer so therefore I'm exotic, your basically a basic white girl"
-If you have grey eyes:
~ you glare at him
- "Woah sorry (y/n)"

-At least nothing stupid ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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