The Mob

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Deku's pov (don't play song yet)
I was riding my horse through the woods trying to find my father. "Dad!?Dad!?" I called out but got no answer. 'Where could he be?! Oh, I hope he's okay.' I kept riding until I saw a figure lying in the snow. "DAD!" I got off my horse and ran over to him. 'He's freezing! I have to get him home right away!'

Once I got him home I immediately put him in the bed and wrapped him up in the blankets so he could get warm. I also placed a warm rag on his forehead to help. When I did that he started waking up. "Izuku?" he mumbled out. "Shh. It's all right, dad. I'm home now." "I thought I'd never see you again." He said while giving me a hug. "I missed you so much!" "I missed you too but the did you escape from him?" He asked me while pulling away from the hug. "I didn't escape...he actually let me go." "That horrible beast?!" "He's not horrible he's changed." "But-" Just then there was a knock at the door.

I went to open the door only to see a man with shaggy blue hair and red eyes wearing a black cloak standing there. 'I wonder what he wants?' "May I help you?" I asked him. "I've come to collect your father." he told me. "My father?" "Don't worry monsieur we will take good care of him." He smiled wickedly and moved to the side revealing all the townspeople surrounded by a wagon for the insane asylum. "But my fathers not crazy!" I yelled at the man. "The town says otherwise." He said and snapped his fingers which caused to guys to push past me into my house and drag out my dad. "Hey leave him alone!" I yelled and was about to run over to help him but the blue-haired guy held me back.

"This man is clearly weak he needs a hospital, not an asylum!" I heard Todoroki yell but the people continued to shove him in the back of the wagon. "You can't do this to him!" I yelled at the guy holding me back but he just scoffed and let go of me and started heading towards the wagon. 'Why do they think my fathers gone mad all of a sudden!?'  "Oh, Izuku I'm so sorry about your father." I turned around to see Uraraka giving me a sympathetic look. "Uraraka you know my father isn't crazy! Can't you tell the townspeople I know they would listen to you!" "Hmm, I could be able to clear up this misunderstanding if..." "If what?" she smiled at me then wrapped both her arms around my neck. "If you marry me~" she cooed. "What?" "Come on Izuku just say yes." "Never!" I yelled at her and took her hands off of me. "Fine, have it your way." She mumbled while glaring at me.

"Please let my father go I know he's not crazy!" "I don't know he's been making some pretty unbelievable claims." Uraraka said while glaring at me. "It's true Midoriya." I heard Shinso say. "He's been raving about a Beast in a castle!" he explained. 'So that's what this is about!' "There is a beast! And I have been to his castle!" I yelled at them. "Pfft, you'd say anything to set him free. There's no proof behind your words." Uraraka told me. "You want proof?" I ran inside my house and grabbed the enchanted mirrior. I ran back outside and showed them the mirror. "Show me the Beast!" The mirror shined a bright green light before showing the image of the Beast.

Everyone started gasping and backing away from the mirror. "See my father isn't crazy." Uraraka then came close and stared at the mirror before snatching it from me. "Look at this Beast! Look at his fangs and claws!" She yelled while showing the town the mirror making them all coward back and scream a bit. "No! Don't be afraid! He's actually very gentle and kind. He wouldn't hurt anyone." I told them hoping they would believe me. "The monster has him under his spell! If I didn't know better I say he actually cared for the creature!" Uraraka shouted. "He's not a monster, Uraraka. You are!" "Tch, the creature is a threat to all of us! He'll make off with your children! He'll come after them in the night!" she said. "No, he wouldn't!" I said but I don't think anyone heard me. "Were not safe until his head is mounted on the wall! I say we kill the Beast!" "YEAH!" everyone cheered.

"You can't do this!" I shouted gaining Uraraka's attention. She glared at me before smiling. "Lock him up too." "What?!" All of a sudden a group of men started pushing me into the back of the wagon. "We can't have you running off to warn the monster now can we." she said. "Now let's rid this village of the Beast! Who's with me!?" She yelled and everybody cheered.

Third-person (play song)
"We're not safe until he's dead." Tetsutetsu sang. "He'll come stalking us at night." Tsu sang. "Set to sacrifice our children to his monstrous appetite." Shinso sang. "He'll wreak havoc on our village if we let him wander free." Jiro sang. So it's time to take some action boys! It's time to follow me!" Uraraka sang while taking a torch and throwing it at a cart full of hay, setting it on fire.

"Through the mist, through the woods. Through the darkness and the shadows. It's a nightmare but it one exciting ride. Say a prayer, then we're there. At the drawbridge of a castle. And there's something truly terrible inside!" Uraraka sang and scared Mineta while everyone grabbed their weapons.

"It's a beast! He's got fangs razor-sharp ones! Massive paws, killer claws for the feast! Hear him roar! See him foam! But we're not coming home 'til he's dead!" "Yeah!" "Good and dead!" "Yeah!" Uraraka sang while mounting on her horse. "Kill the beast!" Everyone screamed.

"Light your torch, mount your horse!" the people sang while following Uraraka into the woods. "Screw your courage to the sticking place!" she sang. "We're counting on Uraraka to lead the way!" the villagers sang. "Call it war, call it a threat. You can bet they all will follow. For in times like this, they'll do just as I say." she sang. "There's a beast running wild, there's no question. But I fear the wrong monster's released." Mineta sang while following behind Uraraka. "Sally forth! Tally ho! Grab your sword! Grab your bow! Praise the Lord and here we go!" Everyone sang.

Kirishima and Mina were slow dancing while talking about their friend. "At least he has finally learned to love." Kiri said. "That doesn't help us if he doesn't love him back." Iida said. "This was the first time I had any real hope in him." Momo sighed. The sound of a horse whinnying then caught all of their attention. "Did you guys hear that?" Denki asked while everyone made their way over to the window. "Is it him coming back?" "Could it be?"Kiri questioned. "I told you." Mina said. Kiri then looked out the window. "Sacre bleu! Invaders!" He yelled. Everyone then ran off to barricade the door. "So much for true love." Iida mumbled.

"Hearts ablaze, banners high! We go marching into battle! Unafraid although the danger's just increased!" Everyone sang while blocking off the door.

"Raise the flag, sing the song! Here we come, we're fifty strong! And fifty Frenchmen can't be wrong! Let's kill the Beast!" The mob sang while trying to breach the door.

"Kill the Beast!"

"Kill the Beast!"

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