Deku & The Beast

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(Don't play the song yet)
While Izuku and Bakugou were outside talking to one another everyone else was inside excitedly chatting with each other. Iida got on top of the stairs and cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone we have exactly 12 hours,36 minutes and 15 seconds to create the most magical, spontaneous, romantic atmosphere known to man or beast! ha, get it?" Iida said trying to make a joke but no one laughed. "*ahem* Alright then half of you go to the west wing, half of you to the east wing, and the rest of you come with me." He said and everyone went their separate ways. Only Kiri, Mina, Momo, and Denki stayed behind. "Iida bro relax and just let nature take its course." Kiri told him. "Yeah, it's obvious that there is a spark between them." Mina said. "I know but there's no harm in fanning the flames after all the rose only has a few more petals left so they must fall in love tonight if we want to be human again." Iida explained to them. "I can't wait to be human again!" Denki yelled excitedly. "Yeah! Now, let's go help the others clean this place so it can actually happen." Momo said and they all ran off to help make the castle look worthy of a king again.

Later Bakugou's pov
"I saw him admiring the ballroom and said you're making everything look so beautiful. We should have a dance tonight. I didn't fucking think he would actually agree to it! What the hell was I thinking!" I yelled at shitty hair while I was taking a bath. "Nah man tonight is the perfect time to do this!" "I'm not sure I can do this." I mumbled. "Hey, don't say that! Where's that fierce and explosive prince Bakugou we all know?" I merely grumbled in response. "*sigh* Listen that rose only has four petals left so man up and confess to him tonight."

I got up from the tub and shook the water off me. "Be fucking realistic he will never love me." "Come on bro he's the one." shitty hair said while relighting his candles since the water put them out. "Would you stop fucking saying that! There is no one!" I said while taking a seat at my dresser and staring at my horrible reflection in the mirror. 'How could you love someone who looks like a monster.'

"You care about him right?" shitty hair asked me. "*sigh* more than anything." I breathed out. "Well then woo him with beautiful music and romantic candlelight." shitty hair said. "Yes, and when the moments just right..." Pinky giggled out. "How the hell am I supposed to know?" I ask. "You'll feel slightly nauseous." glasses said. "Don't worry bro you'll be fine." shitty hair said. "Yeah, just stop being so nervous and tell Izuku how you feel." Dunce face told me. "And if you don't I promise you'll be drinking cold tea for the rest of your days!" ponytail added. "In the dark." shitty hair continued. "Covered in dust." Pinky said. "Yes, dark and very, very dusty." "I get it!" I grumbled at them.

"Alright fine, let's get you ready now!" shitty hair said and they all started to fix me up which in the end made me look fucking stupid. Thankfully they fixed me before I went out to see Izuku.

(play song now)

I left my room and made my way down the stairs. When I reached the bottom I looked up and felt my face heating up at the sight I was witnessing. Izuku was wearing a beautiful yellow suit that sparkled at the ends with a matching bowtie. His green curls framed his face perfectly and his adorably freckled face was dusted pink. 'He looks fucking breathtaking.'

When Izuku came down the stairs and stood next to me I couldn't stop myself from speaking my mind. "You look fucking amazing."I breathed out which caused him to giggle a bit before smiling back up at me. "Thank you...but I'm honestly really embarrassed I've never worn something this extravagant before, I think it's just making me look better than normal." He mumbled out while staring at the ground with an extremely red face and while brushing a piece of hair behind his ear. I reached out and grabbed his hands making him look up at me with his beautiful big emerald green eyes. "Trust me Izuku you're gorgeous even when you're not wearing this outfit." he started blushing harder.

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