The Castle

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Toshinori's pov
I was in the middle of the woods following the trail to get to the fair when lightning suddenly struck a tree making it fall in front of the path and scaring my horse. "Hey, hey calmed down there's nothing to worry about." I said trying to calm him down. I looked around and spotted another path. "We can just go this way. Come on now." I clicked the reins and lead my horse to the other path.

As soon as we started going down the path it started to snow which is weird since it's June. I then heard noises around me and I looked up to see a wolf. "That's not good...Come on boy go faster, faster!" I yelled while clicking the reins. The howling of wolves grew louder and I could hear their growls as they chased after us. "Faster! Go faster!" The wolves got in front of my cart making my horse screech to a stop. The sudden stop caused me to go flying off of the cart and the cart to crash onto the ground. I quickly got up and managed to get on my horse. We kept on running until we made it through some gate.

Once we made it safely inside the gated off area I got off my horse and lead him to the front of the enormous castle. 'How come I never knew this was here?' I wondered while I put my horse by the water and hay. "I guess I should go pay my respects to our new host whoever that may be."

I made my way up to the front door which immediately opened up for me. "Oh Thank you..." I say expecting someone to be there 'Strange.' "Umm Hello!?" I say only hearing my echo in reply. "I'm just a traveler trying to seek shelter from the storm. I hope you don't mind."

"Poor guy he must have lost his way through the woods."

"Be quiet. Maybe he will just go away."

"Hello?" 'I could have sworn I heard voices.' I looked around more and saw a fancy looking clock and candelabra sitting on a table. 'Whoever lives here must be really well off to be able to afford this type of stuff.' "Um, wherever you are, know that I'm just going to warm myself up by the fire." I said and made my way over to the fireplace. "*cough cough* this feels nice." I mumbled to myself. I then heard glasses clinking together and I turned around to see a cart with a plate full of food and a teapot on it rolling up to me.

'Strange that wasn't there before but I am hungry.' I went over to the cart and ate some of the food on it. 'This is delicious. I wonder who made it and where it came from.' I got thirsty so I grabbed the teapot and poured some of the tea in the little teacup.

"Haha, that tickles!"


"You guys know I always laugh when tea get's poured into me!"

"Bro you were supposed to hold it in!"

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it!"

"Everyone hush you are going to scare him even more if we continue talking!"

I dropped everything I was holding and ran towards the door. 'I have to get out of here! This place must be cursed! That's the only explanation for all the talking objects!' I ran out of the front door and went over to where I put my horse. I got on top of him and we started making our way to the exit when I noticed a rose garden. I got off of my horse and made my way to the garden. 'I can't forget about Izuku's rose.' I went over to one of the bushes and plucked up a white rose.

As soon as I picked up the rose I heard a loud roar and a beastly figure appeared in front of me making me stumble and fall backward. "THEIF!" it yelled at me. "N-no i-i was j-just-" The monster then grabbed me and held me up by my shirt. "YOU WILL PAY!" "No, please! WAIT PLEASE! PLEASE NO!"

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