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After their nonsensical discussions and laughs, they eventually went strolling through Hallownest. While they were walking through Queen's Gardens, Lace offered for a race, in which Hornet complied. Though Lace was not familiar with the area, she still wanted to search for ways to have fun while she was there. As they sprinted across the empty paths, Lace tried to cheaply use her pin to distract Hornet. She'd simply wave it at her, sometimes throw it for Hornet to catch, but she kept her mind focused, her tactics did not disturb the Weaver as the foliage blew past them. They both appeared to have almost equal agility, Hornet was slightly faster due to her acrobatic nature while Lace was more fencer-like and delicate. Regardless, Hornet kept an equal pace to make it fair. As they ran, Hornet was suddenly thrown to the stone floor, causing Lace to stop as fast as possible. Her feet skidded against the floor and ran to Hornet's side, she had curled herself into a ball as she winced in pain.
"H-Hornet? Are you okay?" Lace frantically observed her, Hornet then lifted up one of her legs to show a simple little faded orange thorn she had stepped on.
"Oh dear, who knew such a little thing could bring you down that fast..." Lace watched as fresh blood oozed from the puncture, Hornet gingerly grabbed at it and ripped it out with a grunt. She then carefully used some of her silk to cover the wound, after that she stared disappointedly at her leg.
"The Queen's Gardens is a lovely place, but the amount of thorns it has is unbearable," She then looked back at the place her fall began, "even the folk had adapted." Lace looked over to what she had been indicating, what she thought was a thorny shrub was actually that of a bug's corpse. She could see some of the disturbed moss on its back in which Hornet had brushed.
"Life comes with a lot of surprises." Lace gently patted Hornet's shoulder.
"Heh, you're telling me." After that they sat together while they waited for Hornet's injury to heal, her silk did not take long to fix up the small wound. They were eventually back on their feet, and walked the rest of the way.

Throughout Lace's time of being in Hallownest, the thought of her leaving nagged at her. She did not want to leave Hornet, though she admired the kingdom it was awfully mundane and empty. Her only big interest was in Hornet, but no matter how long she was to stay she would eventually have to return to Pharloom, as she had told others she would return. She did enjoy learning of Hallownest's history, not so much its fall but everything else sparked wonder into her. They sat together on a bench in the City if Tears, staring out a large window as droplets pelted the glass. Lace was at one point sitting, but she then stood to stare outside the window. Outside, Lace could see a grand statue, that of the three Dreamers and the Hollow Knight.
"Did you know—I believe you referred to them as Hollow—did you know them at all?" Lace asked Hornet. Hornet stared around.
"I met them when I was young. After my mother fell into her slumber, I was living with the Queen. I wandered off on my own, however, and ran into them. I greeted them and they spoke of nothing, but stared at me curiously. They even bent down to look at me, they raised a finger and I grabbed it. My father found us interacting, and became frustrated. He took me away from them, and I hadn't seen them since the infection was destroyed." Lace stared at her attentively, a hand on the cold window.
"I did not know them, but I cared. I still care." Hornet looked to Lace. It almost felt if those words were not only directed at her sibling, but also Lace herself. She then walked over, sitting next to Hornet. Together they listened to the rain, continuing to hold hands.
"I don't want to leave." Lace spoke softly, Hornet looked over.
"If you must leave, that is fine."
"If I do, will you come to Pharloom with me? I bet your friends there would be so happy to see you again, especially Forge-Daughter!" Lace offered, Hornet stared then looked off towards the window.
"I... I don't know. As much as this kingdom haunts me, I do not know if it is right to simply leave it. Not saying forever, but after all that has happened I feel I am forever closer to it." Hornet's grip tightened.
"If blood is blood, then I suppose this kingdom is mine to inherit. Even if it was not my father's. As much as I wish to leave this place behind me, I simply cannot." Hornet turned to Lace, who nodded in response.
"It's a hard decision, knowing if you'd like to associate with this place's rough history. I understand." Lace spoke sympathetically, Hornet rested herself against Lace.
"But—whatever decision you make, I'll always be there for you." Lace gazed at Hornet in a more devoted manner. Hornet pressed herself closer to Lace affectionately.
"If I do choose to rule this fractured world, I will not follow in my father's footsteps."
"I know you won't." Lace held onto Hornet's hand tighter, watching the drizzle fall gently out in the haunting, lost kingdom that once brung thought into those mindless.

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