31 | The Games

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The Games

We're both frozen as silence takes over the room. I'm filled with worry, even as complete shock appears on Jalen's face.

Jalen's eyebrows narrow as he reels his head back, loudly asking, "What?"

"On New Year's Eve," I answer in a shaky voice, "did you kiss or sleep with Cortney?"

"Lyndon, where is this coming from? I thought we moved past this," he says, voice still extremely loud for such a small, quiet place we're in.

"My parents want to just move past it, but I'm not them. I need answers," I tell him.

A look of understanding comes to him. "Just because your dad cheated, doesn't mean I did. Your ex-boyfriend cheating doesn't mean I did, either. I'm not them, Lyndon."

My throat tightens at that being thrown in my face, but I push it aside and step closer, voice lower and much calmer than his. "If you weren't with her, then where were you?"

Jalen's jaw clenches, eyes hardening, turning into the darker shade of blue I will never be a fan of. "I can't believe you're doing this."

I tilt my head. "Really? You can't believe I'm doing this? You're the one doing this to me, to us, Jalen!"

He turns away, fists clenching as he observes the garage filled with expensive cars, and unless I'm seeing things, he looks like he's getting ready to hit something.

"I'm trying to save us," I say softly, hoping my tone can calm him down. It shouldn't be this way. I should be the angry one, and he should be trying to comfort me. "Just tell me what happened that night. We can work through it."

The words are meant to coax him into being truthful, even if being truthful means admitting he cheated, but I can't help wondering if I mean them.

If he said he cheated, would I stay? Would I be like my mother?

My heart aches at the thought of him actually cheating on me, but the pain is worse at the thought of actually leaving him.

I'm so screwed. I knew I would be from the beginning, but I honestly didn't think I'd get this bad.

"There's nothing to work through," he says angrily. "I didn't cheat on you, Lyndon!"

I watch him, and with just one glance at me, his anger multiplies, no doubt due to the fact that it's very clear I don't believe him.

"Then tell me where you were. Please just be honest with me!" I beg.

Why is it so hard for him to tell the truth? I'll never understand why he feels the need to lie.

"I spent all night worried out of my goddamn mind," he confesses lowly, seeming to talk more to himself than to me. "The thought of you out there, upset, and trying to drive while feeling that way," he continues, shaking his head. He lets out a bitter laugh. "And then this."

I bite the inside of my cheek, torn between screaming at him because of his tone—at the fact that he seems to be blaming me for this—and crying because of what a mess this relationship is.

"Why can't you just believe me!" he practically shouts, but the anger fades into hurt. It's clear as day in his eyes.

"Because you're always lying!" I shout back, hating how my voice cracks with the last word.

It's obvious we're both hurting, and we're trying to cover it with anger. This isn't how it should be. At all.

Jalen nods to himself, shutting his eyes once more and then setting them on me, taking a dangerous step forward. "So you never believe anything I say? Every word out of my mouth is a just a fucking lie to you, Lyndon?" he asks, tone similar to mocking.

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