27 | A Little Party Can Kill Somebody

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A Little Party Can Kill Somebody


I need fucking air.

Actually, no, what I need is to find Jalen sitting somewhere, with proof that he's been there this whole time, and not with...

I can't even complete the thought, let my mind wander to where those two went and what they're doing.

They kissed. And then left. What the fuck else would they go do, bitch?

I can't believe this is happening. It can't be real.


My eyes go to Daniel, barely able to see him due to my cloudy vision.

I'm crying?

Of course I'm fucking crying. I just got cheated on for the second time in a matter of months.

Am I the problem? Is this my fault?

"Lyndon, hey, what happened?" Daniel's voice is soft and kind as he asks, but one glance at him and it's clear he's keeping his own tears at bay.

"I haven't seen Noah in over an hour," I tell him, trying my best to be helpful. One of us should at least have peace of mind. "Jalen went to talk with him and Cortney, and I haven't seen them since."

My throat tightens at the lie, since I clearly just saw Cortney with her fucking tongue down my boyfriend's throat.

"Where could he be?" he mumbles, seeming to talk more to himself than me.

My stomach is turning in knots, and the glass of champagne I downed earlier while talking with one of Jalen's family friends feels like it's coming back up on me.

I feel sick. Physically sick.

Hearing Daniel's problems and worries only eggs mine on more. I may sound like I'm being a real shitty friend, but I don't care. If I keep listening to his anxious voice wondering where Noah is, I'll throw up.

"Go find Rachel instead," I suggest, trying not to sound too pushy as I literally push him toward the ballroom.

"I guess I should confront her instead of believing rumors," he says thoughtfully.

Wise words. And even wiser idea. Maybe I should keep trying to find Jalen, and confront him, rather than automatically believing that was him with Cortney?

"But before you go," I begin, already regretting asking before the words are out. "Have you... seen Jalen?"

Daniel pauses, thinking it over, eyes squinting and brows furrowing as he tries recalling. "No," he finally answers, shaking his head. "Not since he was talking with Cortney and Noah earlier. They all looked mad. I haven't seen any of them since then."

Totally regret asking, because all that does is confirm that Jalen's been missing ever since he went to talk to Cortney.

This cannot be happening.

"Are you gonna be okay, Lyndon?" Daniel asks, reaching his hand out to touch my arm. I dodge it, wanting to be left alone. "Lyndon... did Jalen do some—"

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