Chapter 5: {Bachelorette Bash}

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating as often as I usually do...

My iPad got taken away :(

I hope you're enjoying this story!

Qotd: If you could bring one thing to a desert island, what would it be?

I would bring my phone bc I'm an idiot who gets bored easily

At least I can play Minecraft for three days before I die of thirst 

On to the story!

Todoroki kissed the top of his small fiance's head. Light streamed in through the windows, the morning sun already high in the sky.

"Izuku, wake up!"

The green-haired boy groaned. "Five more minutes, Todo...Mmhf!" 

Bakugou burst in and nailed the small boy with a pillow.

"Wake up, Deku!" He snickered malevolently.

Izuku was silent. He turned over and the pillow began to shake. Bakugou started to rethink his actions.

"Um, I-Izuku, baby, are you okay? You know I love you, r-right?"

Izuku made his move. He lunged and put the tall boy in a chokehold.


He released, and Bakugou gasped for air, flopping like a fish.

Todoroki's eyes widened. "I-Izu? Babe?"

Izuku burst into laughter. "Hey guys! Stop waking me up so early, it's annoying!"

Todoroki sighed. "Well, you're up now. You have your party today, honey."

"Oh, that's right! Uraraka's picking me up in"-he glanced at his bedside clock-"30 minutes! I should get dressed. Shoo, shoo!" He pushed Todoroki and the still-gasping Bakugou out the door.

He put on his favorite hoodie and jeans, ran a brush through his unruly hair, then went downstairs to rejoin his fiancés.

"Babes! I'm done!"

"Hmph. Uraraka and your other friends just pulled into the driveway." Bakugou grumbled, still salty from earlier.

"Aww, Kacchan, I didn't hurt you that bad! But I'll make it up to you later~" Izuku winked, then grabbed his phone and ran out the door.

Bakugou flushed. "The fuck?"

Todoroki grinned sheepishly. "That's our Izuku."

Izuku ran out to a large pink limo. The window rolled down.

"Heya, Deku! Jump in!" Uraraka called cheerfully.

"Y-You guys! You rented a limo for my party? You s-shouldn't have!"

"Nah, we bought it!" Jirou chimed in, and Izuku choked. "Todoroki gave us his credit card, and it's got like, seven commas!"

"Come on! We have more surprises!" Uraraka pulled the surprised boy into the car. Loud music was blasting, and there was a fridge and enough room for a game console and a television. 


"Hey, Izuku! Come play Mario Kart with us, kero!" Tsuyu handed him a controller and he gladly complied.

After Momo won seven times in a row, it sort of became a competition between her and Jirou.

Afterward, Tsuyu and Uraraka swapped places (Tsuyu drove for a bit) and they played truth or dare.

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