Oh, Brother

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I stared, and I stared, and I stared. Oh, Brother I'm sooo grounded. My brothers smile faded just a tad. He cleared his throat.

"Little sister, what ever might you be doing here" he asked with a fake English accent. Typically Enzo.

"I could ask the same Enzo" I growled back.

"Oh don't Enzo me Liz" he snapped back.

We would have gone on like that forever, oldest brother bickering endlessly with the youngest sister, but Damon pushed me to the side.

"Enzo!" he grinned, great they know each other. Then he made a face and tried to push me aside. Keyword, tried. He only managed to squeeze beside me in the doorway.

Then Damon made another face, "Klauuuuuuse" even better, he knew Klaus, the still amazingly hot hybrid. No,no,no. He killed your family...but he didn't, they came back as vampires...Just no. Klaus means heartbreak. I know that, but as I slowly backed away from the door, I couldn't help but twist the silver engagement ring on my finger, like I do whenever I'm nervous.

Slowly at first, then faster I backed away. Soon, I was hiding behind the couch were Caroline and Tyler sat. They both leaned over with curious expressions. I sighed.

"Klaus and Enzo"

They both groaned but Caroline pressed on, "Why the hiding?"

"My ex and my brother"

Caroline's jaw dropped, "Seriously?"

Tyler on the other hand was a little slower, "I thought you said it was just Klaus and Enzo..." then it hit him, "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously, can't help who your related to".

"But you dated Klaus Mikaelson" she growled.

"A very long time ago, and" I held up my engagement ring.

"O.M.G." Caroline whispered, clapping her hand over her mouth.

"You sound like Elijah" I muttered.


"Hide me, we'll talk about this later" I growled. Before either of them could speak, I was picked up from behind. "Lemmy go Enzoooooo" I whined, trying to kick him off.

He laughed, "No, hey Damon, mind if I take my little sister for a while?" I could practically feel him smirking as her carried me over to the door.

Damon sighed turning to me, "Is he your brother?"


"Is he?"

"Yes" I muttered sulkily.

"Have her back by Monday and keep her away from Klaus, got me?" Damon sighed.

"Yes sir!" Enzo laughed.

"Bye guys" I muttered as my brother carried me to Klaus's car. I sounded like the child that had to leave the birthday party first. Stupid Damon.
Soooo yeahhhhhh

-Katy Blaze out!

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