Ch. 8

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He ignored me and continued his sprint to the salon. My side was cramping but I hurried after him. Benson paused in front of the salon and then stepped in, walking straight for my mom.

“Can I help you?” she asked, startled by his sudden appearance.

“Can we talk for a minute?”

*End Recap*

“You want to talk with me?” she asked.

“Yes. It’s important.”

She looked around for a bit and her eyes landed on me. I avoided her gaze and stared at my feet. We walked outside where Benson gathered his thoughts before speaking.

“Mrs. Quinn,” he began. “This is Ashton…your—”

“Benson, don’t!” I yelled.

He gave me his signature “let me handle this” look and continued. “Your daughter.”

She looked between us for a few seconds, bewildered. She opened her mouth twice to say something but just closed it right back. I could tell she was at a loss for words. Embarrassed, I tugged on Benson’s jacket sleeve like a child to get his attention. I jerked my head towards the bus stop, signaling we should leave but he stood firmly. He wasn’t going anywhere.

“I don’t understand. How did you find me?”

“You didn’t exactly move to another country. Just a few states away,” Benson answered.

“But, how did you know I worked here?”

“We asked around.”

She crossed her arms over her chest. Bad sign. She was clamming up. “What do you want?”

“What do we want?” Benson reiterated. “She wants her mother and I want a happy girlfriend,” he said, stating the obvious.

“Let’s just go,” I whispered. “It’s clear we’re not welcome.”

“No. We came all this freaking way. You are going to be accepted by her if it kills me.”

I glared at him. “Stop it. Everyone’s watching.” I looked towards the shop window where every eye was trained on us, watching the spectacle unfold. “Now come on.” I pushed him towards the bus stop and looked back at my mom. “I’m sorry for disrupting your work time. You won’t hear from us again.”

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I yanked Benson hard and marched towards the bus stop. If she didn’t want me then who was I to force her? I would at least leave with my pride intact.

“Ashton, wait!”

I froze at the sound of my name. I turned back to see my mother walking towards me. I told Benson to go on ahead and he left without any protest. I crossed my arms just as she had done before. I somehow felt safer that way, like nothing could hurt me. Focusing my gaze on her nose rather than her eyes, I nodded to show that I was listening.

“I’m not sure why you came looking for me considering I left you and your father. I don’t feel like a mother to you to be honest. I was barely around. I didn’t even recognize you when you walked in and to just have someone tell me you’re the little baby I was holding in my arms sixteen years ago…it’s surreal.” She shook her head as if she still couldn’t believe it. “I guess…um, I’m not really good with words. I’m just trying to say that I would like to get to know you. Maybe, catch up on what I’ve missed these past years.” She shrugged and smiled a little, signaling that her rambling was over.

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