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She was confident that she would find Tina. She imagined her sitting against the wall, pulling her legs to her chest, and with her eyes closed. It did not happened though.

Since they were children, it was the one place Tina would run to. Something about the bridge felt safe to Tina, that Queenie never understood. But it was her favorite place because it was where Tina always brought her to have nice picnics during the Summer and there were fairs occasionally happening while growing up. They knew where to meet up when one of them got lost.

Now she began to think where else could Tina had run away to, which was difficult now. She regretted leaving Tina. She regretted hurting her so much. It pained her how much it affect Tina. She didn't mean to do anything or cause harm toward her sister, she loved her so much.

When Queenie met Jacob and started dating, she became happier and better with herself. She made the mistake of going with Grindelwald and it was one that she would regret for the rest of her life. Being with Grindelwald made her feel lose her self worth and her purpose.

Before she wasn't sure what she wanted and when she met Jacob, it became clear what she had to do. She needed to return and apologize to Tina. To fix their relationship and become one happy family again just the two of them.

The time when Tina didn't show up at Grindelwald's party, it was a sign that she didn't want to see Queenie again. It did shattered her, which caused her to leave Grindelwald and ran to the baker, Jacob Kowalski.

Instead, the man himself, Grindelwald was there. His white hair was longer than the last time she saw him, which was a few weeks ago. He was not happy when Queenie first brought him the news that she wanted to leave. And she knew that Grindelwald went to see Tina after that, but she was not sure what happened. Maybe it was why Tina did not show up at the party...

     The second she mentioned it to him, he screamed into her face. He said some negative things to her that she felt herself becoming smaller. So that mid- July night, she left all her belongings and left through the front door, hoping that nothing would follow her. Obviously she was wrong.

The sight of the older man send shivers down her spine. The man chuckled as he spotted Queenie among the group. He looked oddly weak, the clothes hanged on his thin frame, and was extremely pale. The color of his eyes were horrifying to stare into, without feeling the cold stare. There was an unsettling hungry look in his pale blue eyes, staring toward Queenie, that made everyone tense. It was difficult to read his expression. Yet, Grindelwald knew the right words to say that would slowly cause Queenie pain. 

"You know, she's not here." He said, in a raspy voice. "It's Tina, right? I just happened to be here in search for other recruits-"

"Stop talking, Grindelwald." Queenie tried to speak up. "Do not dare mention her. I don't care about your followers anymore- just leave us alone."

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