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TINA GOLDSTEIN VOWED to never allow anything to break her relationship with the only family she had which was her little sister Queenie- she failed miserably.

     The Goldstein sisters were inseparable and had come a long way since they were children in the big city of New York.  Although their beloved parents died in a terrible car accident on an August night years ago, it only made the two of them more attached to one another, knowing they only had each other now. With that in mind, it made Tina feel worst that she was now all alone.

     Tina had experience so many different things but it's been a difficult time for her to adjust to her loneliness. Since Queenie departed, Tina tried to avoid staying at their shared apartment until it was night for her to sleep in. She spent most of her day helping out her neighbors, specifically Mrs. Esposito, and doing odd jobs all over the city. She was very tired and haven't been taking good care of herself.

     She doesn't eat properly or get enough sleep to function like a normal being. Nights were the worst for her when nightmares seemed like her new reality.

     For the neighbors, they weren't aware of Tina's situation and hardly knew her properly to understand what she was going through at that time. They simply saw a young cold woman living in isolation and often pity her. Tina was conscious of that and hated it, but did nothing.

     It was like that until one day in late June...

     On that particular morning, Tina woke up later than her usual time at 8 in the morning. She forced herself to get out of the couch to eat breakfast. Her body felt sore after another sleepless night and forced the last amount of energy in waking up.  She first checked her phone for any missed calls or messages- like always there were none from her. She put her phone away on the tiny stand and got out of the couch.

The kitchen clock marked 10: 25 by the time Tina prepared her small breakfast. While preparing her breakfast, she mentally noted she needed to do regular grocery shopping of the week. She wasn't fond with that idea, especially today.

     Usually it would be Queenie doing the grocery shopping for them and cook the food as Tina worked in the afternoon instead of the morning since Queenie worked in the mornings. But since she lost her job and Queenie, Tina had to do more independent things which she didn't mind. What bothered her was that she was doing it alone and it added more things to worry about.

     Placing a warm cup of coffee and a plate of toast on her small dining table, Tina ate alone in silence. She relaxed when she grabbed her warm cup into her cold hands and took a long sip. During this time, Tina would be deep in thought about where her sister was at the moment or glance around the apartment.  Although their apartment was small, it was perfect.  A place they once called home which Tina hated to admit that it was no longer one to her. The apartment grew quiet and dark.  With Queenie around, there was always a soft tune in the background as she sew or cooked and sometimes made Tina dance with her. The silly memories they had gathered while living together remained fresh into her mind. There was always something to laugh about every night that she missed a lot dearly.

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