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She didn't realize she forgot her keys inside her room when she left earlier that day and now she was stranded outside in the hallway.

     It wasn't her day to say the least.

     For a while, she wasn't acting her confident or organize self. She can't even recognize herself in the mornings as she stared her reflection in the mirror. The lack of sleep and eating appeared noticeably in her appearance, she looked tired and ill like she gave up in her life. Maybe it was true, there was nothing going for her in her late twenties, still young but no motivation.

      Putting down her bag of groceries on the floor beside her, she crossed her arms over to her chest to help her think clearly.She tried not to panic and attempted to use her credit card to slid it open from one side of the door.

     Did it work? Of course it did not! She stopped trying after the third attempt. Returning it back to her wallet, she wanted to scream just to help her calm down. Also Tina mentally noted that she was becoming easily upset about anything and loosing her patience. She didn't like herself acting like that but can't help it. Queenie was the one who cheered her up on her bad days and brought the silly side of her.

Ugh, why do I keep forgetting my keys? Tina thought loudly, mentally slapping herself. Queenie always has a spare key so I'll call her now.

Without thinking twice, Tina retrieved her phone out of her bag and began to scroll down her short contract list. When her fingertips was over Queenie's smiling photo, she almost gasped at the awful reminder that she could no longer rely on her. She put her phone away and knew she had no one else to call. If it wasn't for one particular dangerous man influencing Queenie, she might still be with her sister and living her normal life. Though she can't be sure if their fight would of ended differently.

     Her closest colleague from her old job, Seraphina Picquery was out on a needed vacation and her good old friend Percival Graves left New York permanently. She dearly missed Percival, the man who helped her get her job at the office and became her only friend that wasn't her sister. The reason behind him leaving the city was still unknown to her- though she hope it was nothing serious. She never really thought about the people she had in her life at the moment. She sighed in defeat.

Maybe go see the landlord and hopefully get another spare key from him. Tina was thinking over a perfect scenario of her situation. Perhaps she wouldn't get screamed at or be lectured like a little girl similar to what happened before to the last time she asked Mr. Cox, her cheap and unfriendly landlord.

At the stairway, Newt Scamander was approaching the same floor as where Tina stood deep in her thoughts. The upcoming footsteps from behind her startled her and quickly turn her head. The sight of Newt made her actually grateful. She hoped that he could possibly help her open her door to avoid facing Cox. She even crossed her fingers together.

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