Where am I?

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As the elevator shaft fell knocking the girl out, her face contorts to pain feeling like she was hit by a hammer but the pain quickly changing into a relief as the pain dies down replaced with numbness her tired eyes finally rest.

Time skip

There's a field of grass where three kids frequently head to but there's something amiss this time, the young boy noticing this looks around the area his eyes landing to a figure below a tree, he points and gestures to the figure sleeping to his friend, she nods in approval to get closer to the person below the tree, the boy starts running to the tree he stares at the person,  she seemed to be asleep but her head was bleeding "Do you think she's alive?" he asks fearful of the answer "I suppose she is, she's breathing" His brows knit together at the answer of his friend he felt stupid. The two kids argue a bit more until the figure below them started stirring from the deep sleep, she rises her hand rising to her forehead, trying to remember something "Hello...we're sorry we disturbed you miss" At this she looks up to them her eyes widening the two kids seemingly surprised at her eyes 'weird...' they all thought. All three of them were surprised but for different reasons "What's your name?" the young boy asked "I'm...Yume i think." His eyebrows rise "You think?" she nods still seeming dazed "You seem to be injured, but don't worry my fathers a doctor!" She nods and gets up from the grass. At this motion her eyes glaze and memories flood into her brain, it hurts. 

'Flashback' 3rd person POV 

The market is full of people trying to make a living, full of noise people yell marketing their products, kids running around and people trying to go through the crowd, guards at the side drinking and laughing Yume was in one of the stalls picking out fruits when she catches sight of three people watching her, she drops the fruit in surprise "Ah, I'm sorry mister i uh have to go!"

She starts running going into a small alley for hiding she waits for a while until she goes out to go to a less stuffy area, she finds a grass field deciding to rest there until her tiredness wore off 'whoosh' her ears picking up on something she looks to her left to see a rock flying her way, her eyes widen, it's too late to react and before she knew it she was unconscious.

In another memory...

A girl sitting at a circular seat her head facing down her back straight, her eyes glazed over lips pressed into a thin line eyebrows tightly knitted together "Tch." she utters a light restrained sob escaping her lips her hands quickly darting to her mouth to cover the other sobs coming out, her eyes finally giving up and spilling the tears she tried so hard to stop, after those few light sobs and tears escape she finally gives up her control and let's it out. She cries wanting to scream but too afraid to completely let it all out afraid of her mother scoffing at her unladylike behavior, her father shunning her once more not letting her see a glimpse of the outside world. She hated being a noble she wanted to escape, to join something that let's her  express who she really was to freely talk about what she wanted without having to face consequences. She thinks back to a horrible time where she decided to stop her restrain and asked her parents to let her see the outside world her parents refusing resulting in an argument that she had to suffer from. The punishment? Three weeks without proper food with extra strict manner lessons, her parents not letting her out of her room for a month straight while her mother came into the room to punish her for her own amusement, taking her prized possession and breaking it right in front of her while she could only stare, sometimes her mother mentally breaking her piece by piece taking her years to recover from it, she didn't want that to happen again, it scared her, yet her determination still fiercely burning letting her power through it all, her heart screaming at her to get out and runaway from this toxic household her mind screaming at her to stay telling her that she wouldn't survive out there.

But she listened to her heart and decided to run away that night taking five pairs of clothes taking the money she needed and a few luxury items to keep or sell. That night dressed in all black her anxiety creeping up her palms sweaty her legs shaky, she was scared. She could barely leave. Once she was a few meters away from her home she looked back one final time and ran.

End of flashbacks.

authors notes

Well that's it for now im sorry if it was a bit confusing but there shall be answers in the next chapters...if i end up writing it. 

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