Death (prologue)

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Tired amethyst eyes stare at the screen, entranced by the fluid movements of the animated characters. A light blush creeps to her pale face as a boy walks in the frame of the screen. ' Riing~' a sound interrupts her tranced like state she glares at the phone hovering her thumb on the answer button. A sigh escapes her lips "just when it was the best part" she whispers to herself. Finally she taps the answer button.


"Hello Yume"

"Good morning mother"

"For goodness sake it's the afternoon! This is why i've always told you to wake up early-"

"So i could do your errands."

"Well... What else are you suppose to do?"

"Excuse me? I'm not an employee you could just order aroun-"

"Come on Yume I'll just have you pick a few things up from the store so won't you be a dear and stop fucking complaining you little bitch! I birthed you what's a little fucking errand pay off for everything I've done for you."

"Why don't you just do it yourself-"


"That bitch" she utters in annoyance her eyes glazed over.

Time skip

Holding a plastic bag she enters from the automatic doors and walks toward the elevator she presses a button the doors opening for her she steps inside of the elevator pressing the tenth floor the elevator going up suddenly it stops and shakes, she catches her balance and worriedly looks at her surroundings, the elevator shakes again then finally it drops the girl screams in shock as the elevator falls.

Yume's pov

My body won't move I feel frozen the only thing i can do is scream as my last moments comes 'is this it? Is this how i die? Well i had a good life. No i didn't. Did i even though?' Thoughts race to me the only thing i can do is laugh at my poor excuse of a life i laugh tears spilling at the same time "Fucking hell- " then the pain hits as quickly as it came it also left.

Authors note:

This'll probably be the only time i'll put the first person pov, but if do end up putting more please quote me. And if you read the story tags those are the anime she'd be put in, there's not really an order so see ya!

That One OtakuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang