Chapter 1: His daughter

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Not my Art! (but this is what I imagine Aizawa's daughter would look like

Your POV

I hummed to myself as I put a variety of flavored cookies into the oven to bake. It consisted of all flavor types. sweet, spicy, sour, salty, and bitter.

(w h y ?)

I heard the door open and then close. There was then light footsteps and a grumbled, "I'm home". I took of the apron I was wearing and turned to see my mess of a father. 

"Welcome back dad" I said with my usual cheerful voice.

I'm the complete opposite of my dad. I have (H/C) hair (If its black then whatever) and (E/C) eyes. I also enjoy baking and helping others. He doesn't. I'm very outgoing and cheerful. He's not.

"Hello (Y/N)" he grumbled out well sitting down on a bar stool. 

"I put some cookies in the oven. They should be done in 10-15 minutes, maybe a bit longer" he hummed in response and I went to the sink and did the dishes. It was already filled with water so I didn't have to turn on the faucet.

"Hey (Y/N)" he said in a slightly stern voice. I glanced back at him a hummed. "Some villians have been attacking my class" he told me.


"Again." I nodded to tell him I was listening.

"These ones found out how to get into the dorms" he said quietly making my eyes widen. "And to avoid the villains finding were they live-" he sighed mid-sentence "They are staying here".

"What?" I said mouth open. 

"That's 20 people in our small apartment!" I explained he sighed again. 

"I know but all the other faculty members refuse to let them. Plus they're my students". I finally joined all the sighing and sighed myself.

"Oh and they're coming within the next hour"

On cue there was a decently loud knock on the door. My dad went over to the door and opened it. The front door isn't in the view sight of the kitchen so I didn't know who it was. Until my dad said their name.

"Todoroki, Didn't think you'd be the first to show up." He said.

"I wanted to be away from my father as soon as possible." A quiet monotone voice replied.

There were soft footsteps before seeing, out if the corner of my eye a red and white haired male enter the living room. He glanced over at me and gave me a questioning look. I went back to doing the dishes.

Slowly more people came and I avoided them. Mainly because their my dads students. That was until I heard the familiar name of my dads intern. 

"Hi Shinso-" my dad didn't even finish his sentence before I tackled Shinso in a hug. 

"SHINSO!!!" I squealed.

"(Y/N) GET THE FUCK OFF ME" He yelled but accepted the hug. 

"Language-" my father said while pulling me off with his scarf,"And since when were you two on a first name basis" he scowled at the thought.

"Ah Aizawa sensei? Who is that girl" a green haired boy asked well I was released from the scarf. 

I then stood up and glanced around the room. There were so many people and I had so many questions.

I looked at a pink toned girl, then a masked man who had several arms. Then at the red and white haired boy, and finally at 2 boys with spikey Ash blond/Red hair, while asking, "Is you skin suppose to be pink, What's with the mask, and Why so many arms, also why is your hair two different colors, And you two, is your hair naturally that spikey."

The class just stared with 'WTF' faces. I was then smacked by my dad. 

"Stop asking bothersome questions" he grumbled 

"I'm just curious! AFTER ALL THIS IS THE FIRST CLASS YOU HAVENT EXPELLED ANYONE. Well except that short guy you once talked about. What's his name. Wait it doesn't matter since he was a perverted bastard" I was then smacked again.

"Language," he said sternly.

"Dad bastard isn't a curse word...." I told the slightly taller male.

Dad ignored me and walked to the other side of the room.

"My question was never answered" the greenette male mumbled. 

My father sighed and I turned to the class "My names (Y/N) Aizawa, I'm his daughter, but you probably don't know that since he doesn't talk about me that much..."

The class (Except Shinso) looked astonished and it was silent for a second. I was silently panicking because I might have done something wrong. Until it got loud.

"HIS WHAT" They screamed


To be Continued...

Word Count: 759

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