Ch.13. (Nearly) 21 questions

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Chapter Summary: You eat some Monster candy to help with the concussion, and spend the first day in the forest around a fire.


The process of setting up a tent was slow as you had to instruct Sans on which part goes where through the pounding headache and the occasional blurry vision. By the time he managed to set it up perfectly (he had to redo it twice because he put the wrong pole in) it was already noon.

"i'll go get some grillby's and monster candy." He said after admiring his hard work. You clapped lightly when he glanced at you—he must've felt so proud, which automatically made you so proud, too.

"Alright, i'll set up the fire pit." You say, pushing yourself from the tree trunk. A small 'woah..' coming from you as you stumbled back and leaned against the trunk once more, narrowing your eyes at the moving ground.

"no, nuh-uh. stay put. you won't go to the hospital, so listen to me when i say stay put, alright?" Sans instructed, making a quick beeline to your side, gently placed your arm around his shoulders and gingerly picked you up.

Shutting your eyes, a ferocious blush blooming in your cheeks as he placed you in the tent, your back packs in the middle for separation with the sleeping bags unrolled and laid out, despite it being no where near night time.

You sighed softly. Pulling Sans' back pack towards you and began stuffing around for loose monster candy.

Once locating the small bag of colourful candy, you greedily popped three in and chewed down once it began to melt in your mouth.

The cuts and bruises healed before your eyes, leaving no indication that you were injured in the first place - although the blood and tears on your clothes was a heavy giveaway of what happened.

Sans briefly glanced around the camp site, his gaze lingering a bit longer at the direction of the trap before returning to you. His shoulders dropped with a sigh and blipped out of existence—then you were alone.

Alone in the wilderness with the chipping birds and wind brushing against the tent. You sighed softly, a small shiver crawling up your back as you unzipped one sleeping bag and wrapped it around your shoulders.

If Sans was anything like Blue (and to an extent, Stretch.) then there was a huge chance that he wouldn't let you wander until tomorrow, even if you ate tomato of the bag of monster candy. Undoubtedly getting some more just in case.

For what? You felt fine with the occasional dizziness... you sighed softly again. Unsure how to use up the time alone. If by tomorrow you see strange ordiments hanging around the tent, you are demanding that Sans take you back — you weren't going to be caught up in a blairs witch set up. Nope, nuh-huh. You life may be shit but you valued it.

Gritting your teeth at the headache, you pushed the backpacks from you and laid flat on the uncomfortable ground. This was something you didn't want to do during the first day searching, would it be considered 'searching' if all you did was trigger an animal trap?

If Sans told either Blue or Stretch what happened then there would be no doubt that the two brothers would be more insistent on coming along — not that you minded, of course — but you needed a breather from everything. The bond, the fight with stretch..

Even if it meant being away from your boys.

If other versions of the two brothers begin to show up, then that would mean they would have to scatter around the globe - or anywhere that was monster friendly. Frankly, you wanted to be far away as possible from the others and pretend as if you were back home, in your universe. The headache you got when you saw various version of your boys was too much.

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