Chapter Twenty-Three

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In two more days, Mark and Lucilla stopped at Avellino.  They checked in at the New Metropol Hotel, and they met with Partisans, who passed on the informationi about the soldiers and materiel at General's Kesselring's Assembly Are.

"General Kesselring will be the commander to watch out for," Mark told the partisans.

"We long thought that Southern Italy would be commanded by General Rommel," the local partisan leader said.

Mark took one of the partisan maps that Resistance learders in Rome were distributing all across Italy. "Here at Salerno looks to be the most logical place for American, British, and free French forces to invade Italy."

"We long have had reason to believe it will happen here.  Is there anything we can do to help out?"

"I will radio for weapons and supplies to be parachuted to an appropriate drop zone.  They will consist of anti-tank rocket launchers.  They are easy to learn to use, but they are effective against German tanks from the side, their treads, and their engines.  We can provide fifty caliber and thirty caliber machine guns as well as bolt-action rifles for your use.  If you position yourselves in the mountain passes, you can delay the German counter-attacks after our forces land on the beaches."

"How much time do you need?"

"We need a day or so after we hit the beaches.  I fear that our general may take too much time before moving out in large numbers.  So I cannot ask you to hold out indefinitely."

"Please keep us informed so that we can be ready to take on the Germans."

The next day Mark and Lucilla were shopping the quaint open market in the town.  It was the largest space in a city that consisted of narrow, winding streets, terraced houses and buildings that claimed the foot hills before they gave way to the mountains.

"Lucy, we are going to risk a visit to my grandfather Fierrello Costello, who lives in Salerno. What kind of gifts do you think that we may take to his family?"

"Mark, I think that we ought to buy a fine shaw for your grandmother and a nice evening jacket for your grandfather."

Mark and Lucilla made their way among the open-air merchant stalls.  They had an abundance of vegetables, flowers, clothing, and home goods.  Lucilla looked off across the market.

"Oh, Mark," she almost screamed.  "It's him!"  Lucilla turned and buried her head in his shoulder and held tight, trembling without let up.

"Who, my love?"

"It is Petronius."  She then cautioned.  "Do not look directly at him. He is the man wearing the grey suit and fedora hat.  He is wearing a poka dotted tie. He is carrying a yellow hanging bag around his shoulder."

"I see him, Lucy,"  Mark said in a low voice.

After a minute, Petronius was joined by two German SS Officers.  Within a few minutes they were joined by truck loads of armed German soldiers, who off loaded and formed up in front the the three of them.  The three men barked out orders, and they led platoons of soldiers through the market, the merchants shops, and the storehouses.

As  they approached Mark and Lucilla, she turned away again.  Without a word they stopped and turned toward the city hall.

Before long, they had rounded up about twenty civilians, half of them being Jews.  After a few more minutes, they were gone.  Locals would not hear from those who were gathered up and trucked off that day.

Back at their hotel room, Mark and Lucilla discussed what Petronius was about.

"Mark, Petronius was captured by the Germans, but they obviously did not kill him.  So I have to admire how he managed to survive being wounded by the Germans, and then gaining a bit of authority under them." 

"Do you think that he saw you, Lucy?"

"It would surprise me.  He's not looking for me.  Somehow he was able to convince the Germans to let him live and be of some use to them.  He is cooperating with them, for sure."

That night Mark and Lucilla  were walking the narrow streets when a long figure emerged from the shadows and struck Mark on the back of his head.  Then he grabbed Lucilla, held onto her mouth, and forced her to go with him up the street. 

Then he found a niche and backed her against a wall.  "Oh, how I have been looking for you, Lucilla.  What kind of world have you gotten me into?"

"You traitor.  You enjoyed my body enough but then joined the emperor's assassins as soon as they showed up at Capri.  You feared that Commodus would kill you if you could not bring back my body."

"The Germans kept me prisoner, meaning to shoot me for days.  Then one of their higher authorities visited my cell.  After a while he believed me.  It was incredible how I came to this place in time. But he took me with him back to Rome."  He shook his head. "You should see it now, Lucilla.  It will make you cry."

"What are you going to do with me, Petronius?"

"Finish the job that I began bak on Capri.  Then somehow I will make my way back to Emperor Commodus.  He will reward me for my faithfulness."

"Petronius, if you kill me, you can never-"

"Enough, you whore!"

Petronius then grabbed her by the throat.  A kick to his back disabled him for a moment.  After he turned to face his attacker, Mark delivered another blow, rendering him unconscious.  He then hugged Lucilla.

"We have to leave immediately, but first I am going to tie and gag him."  Mark used Petronius's own tie and cothing to bind him while he was still unconscious.

A few minutes later they were pushing their loaded bicycles forward through the deserted streets and continued in the dark down toward Salerno.  They found a wooded area and put up a make-shift shelter.  The next day they hailed a large passenger bus, which could store their bicycles in the overhead baggage rack.  After the driver loaded their bikes, they found a seat near the rear of the bus. In a few hours they were in Salerno, a port city with a lovely harbor and good port facilities.

Mark and Lucilla got off before the bus arrived at the local bus station.  They avoided the city square for a while.

"Petronius will likely be watching for us at least today.  Follow me.  My father's family lives here in Salerno and will hide us if necessary.  They listened with care for police or military vehicles.  Each time one approached, they ducked into the nearest doorway or alley.

Then they found a large, walled house with doors that opened into the streets.  They knocked on the door several times.

The door opened.

Standing before Mark and Lucilla was his grandfather, Fiorella Costello. 

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