Resurgent: part 11

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I walk along the basement room that will be put to use as out training room. Its not huge but not small. This place is undetectable, its so far undergroud and so far to the boarder of the city David would never expect it. He would never even know it's here.

Tris is one of the smaller rooms, across the hall i walk, working with some of out new ones. Basically she is preparing them phisically, but also mentally.

Some of our recruits are young; our youngest is 13. Thats not that young, if he was dauntless born. But he isnt, he is a 13 year old candor born. He was only 11 when the faction system was broken, but any candor born tells the truth and thats last this we want in a war.

I suppose i wouldnt call this war. We are ambushing David.

Someone will go, someone David would trust, and they will leak Tris' return.

group 1, some of our better, more trusted, recruits, go in, find out where David's main controls are. We then purposly get captured, allowing David to think he has one, as he will have both Tris and me. He will have his laughs, lock us away, and signal victory.

What David won't know, though, is his signal of victory, what will be considered an easy victory, will also act as a signal for the rest of out troops, group 2, to come.

Group 2 will be lead by Johanna. They will come in, some with stealth, like our gaurds we have already posted as David's, and some plainly. The gaurds will come free us and we will head out to the controls, and shut I will shut it down. Whilist Tris, with a few others of course, will go find David, capture him and bring him with us. There he will be killed, just as the God told Tris was to happen.

I will be training all of our recruits. This is not an ideal place to train. These our not ideal equipment to train with. These are not Ideal students to be trained. But i can do it.

I mean, just look at Tris.

Tris came in, and was at the end of the list. She wasnt going to make it through the first round.

She finished first.

The thought makes me smirk a little. She started last, yet she finished first. That was all her hard work, all her dedication.

Okay, maybe I helped a little.

"Four!" Johanna shouts from the end of the hallway. I look up to see she is followed by a girl and a boy. The girl looks roughly in her 20s and the guy looks around 18.

"Johanna, hi." I say, I tense at the sight of the two. I havent seen them before, and besides, the first impression i want them to take from me is fear.

"This is Chase and Rossetta." She gets strait to the point. "They are going to be training, for group two."

"Okay." I say plainly. The look on their face is fear and it gives me such a great feeling. "I'll clear it with Tris. You two, come with me." I nod my head towards the door Tris is in and they glance back at Johanna and with a reasurring nod from her, they follow me.

"So, You are Four?" The girl, Rossetta, asks. Clearly she was trying to make small talk, something i often try and avoid for the simple reason, i dont like it.

"Mhmm" I respond not looking at her.

"Oh." She mumbles. "What faction are... I mean were you in?"

Her mistake is understandable. Many people didn't understand the loss of factions and still act like a faction.

I sigh. "Look, Rossetta, you want to know how to fight, ask me. You want to know how to shoot a gun, ask me. You want to know how to break someones bones, ask me. You want to make small talk and ask about someones past, you'll be extremely disapointed if you ask me. So, if we could continue without the small voice behind me asking questions, that would be great."

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