Resurgent:Part 5

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After arguements, Christina's big mouthed comments and some compromise from all of us, we decide to start with johanna. Telling her I came back would be much easier this way. Telling Evelyn took forever, as she constantly asked questions that were irrelevent. But eventually, after a few hours, we told her. Leaving out the part about David, of course, after I begged Tobias.

He didn't like the idea, but we cant risk her telling anyone before we even have a plan. Not to mention, the fact that I dont want her to help, becuase we know how that ended last time.


Tobias pulled me aside, after we forced christina to talk to Evelyn and make her some tea. Evelyn didn't mind her company, and it helped her snap out of the daze. We walk into his bedroom, and he closes the door.

he rubs his forehead, deep in thought. "We have to tell her." he speeks up. I imeaditly refuse.

"no." i say simply "we will make something up. we cant tell her." my voice is laced with anger and something i just can't desifer. it wasnt supposed to, but it comes out harsh.

"No, Beatrice, I can't lie to her. She's my mother." he says. He uses my real name, which makes it sound more like he is parenting me. So of course, my stubbornness refuses to let go. He is obviosly stressed out, but I couldn't care less right now. I was still fueled from Evelyn's little 'comment' that turned into a broken jaw; for her.


"Tris" Tobias states sternly.

"Tobias." I mock his tone.

"please, Tris. I can't lie to her anymore." His eyes were pleading. I'm not one to give in, but i couldn't help myself.

"Fine." I give in "But we aren't telling her about David."

he smiled and pressed his lips to mine. It was a soft kiss. Quick, but sweet. We walked out of the bedroom hand in hand, and sat Evelyn done to explain everything; except for David, that was none of her business.


On the way over to Johanna's office, a single face appeared in my mind. The person I sacrificed my life for. The person that betrayed me. The person who helped Jenne Matthews capture me, and almost kill me. But, also the person I grew up with and looked up to. The person I thought I knew everything about. The person who scolded me all those days in Abnegation for not caring enough. The person who set my mind on leaving, going to join the Dauntless.

My brother.


since I got here, I havent really asked about anyone. I never watched anyone but Tobias, and I wasn't really sure who was left. So many people died, I lost track. It's not easy, you know, when all your friends are dying, it's hard to figure out who is left.

"Tris? Are you okay?" Tobias' words break me away from my thoughts, as we walk into the office building.

Aparently, Tobias works here as Johanna's assitant. She is very generous to him. He asked for the day off yesterday, and he got it. Its sweet, how he asked for the day off to be with me. My affections grow for him every second of everyday, I cant seem to control them. The amount of love you can feel towards one person, is remarkable. I love him.

I love him.

I grab his arm before we walk in.

"whats wrong?" he asks, his face full of concern.

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