Chapter 30

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~Timeskip to monday because plot :)~

Peter's P.O.V

I woke up around 6AM and took a quick shower. Today was the day I would go back to school... So basically, Hell.

After I got dressed I packed my backpack and started to make my way over to the kitchen. Apparently, most of the Avengers are already awake at 6:30AM. Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint and Stephen are sitting in the kitchen... or well... Sam is on the floor panting.

"What happened with him?" I ask as I walk over to them and sit down next to Bucky and Natasha.

"He went on a run with Steve and Bucky." Clint explains.

"But doesn't he run with them every morning?" I ask.

"Let's just say... today was a little different..." Bucky says and Sam sits up.

"THEY FUCKING SAID "On yOuR LeFt" EVERY. FUCKING. TIME. THEY PASSED ME. AND THAT WAS... Like..." Sam stops for a moment and it looks like he's thinking... or counting.

"Language Sam, there's a child here." Steve says and Sam gives him a glare.

"Dangit Steve, I lost count! Now I gotta start from the beginning." We all laugh and I walk over to the cupboards and take out a cereal package and make cereal. Then I sit back down next to Bucky and we hear the elevator *ding*. Out steps Tony and he looks confused.

"Morning Sleeping beauty." Clint teases and Tony shoots him a glare.

"What's wrong Tony?" Natasha asks with a snicker.

"Is it just me or have I been sleeping a lot more than usual?" Tony asks and he walks over to the coffee machine.

"Yeah... now that you mention it, you have been sleeping more." Natasha says and she gives me a look.

"I bet it's because of this little guy." Bucky says and he puts his arm around my shoulder. Everyone nods or says "Oh yeah" or "Of course" and I blush a little.

"Oh yeah. Thanks Pete." Tony says and he gives me a thumbs up. I look down at, my now, empty bowl, still blushing.

"Aww, he's blushing!" Clint teases and everyone laughs.

"507 TIMES!" Sam yells all of a sudden, making us jump a little. "THEY SAID "On yOuR LeFt" 507 FUCKING TIMES!"

"...Language..." Steve says and he gets another glare from Sam, making us all laugh again.

After breakfast, I check the time and realize I have to go. I grab my bag and walk towards the elevator.

"Pete, don't you want anyone to drive you?" Tony asks confused.

"Oh, no thank you. I would rather take the subway, you know, just... it's...uhh... fun..." I say and he looks at me a bit skeptical. "Uhh... Well... I gotta go! Bye guys!" I yell to the others sitting in the living room and they say bye back. Then I enter the elevator, wave goodbye to Tony and head down to the lobby.

I run towards the subway and after about 15 minutes I'm in Queens and hurry towards school. As I get closer, I can see the building and all the students walking in, including Ned and MJ!

"Ned! MJ!" I yell and they turn towards me. Ned's face lights up and he starts running towards me and MJ smiles.

Me and Ned hug and do our 'Super Awesome Mega Cool' handshake. At that point, MJ is standing next to me and she gives me a hug which, let me tell you, she never does.

"I'm glad you're okay Peter." She says and we break the hug and start to make our way into the building.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask confused.

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