Chapter 24

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Peter's P.O.V

I wake up early, probably around 5AM. I leave the warmth of my covers and walk over to my desk where my phone is placed. I pick it up and check the time. 6:05AM. Huh, I guess it was later than I expected.

I quickly change into the clothes I got from the tower yesterday and play around on my phone for awhile, waiting for the clock to strike 7AM.

Around 6:55, I walk out of my room and head down to the dining hall. There's already a bunch of kids there. I guess it opens earlier...

I quickly make a sandwich and sit down at a table next to a big window at the back of the room. But of course, the guys who beat me up yesterday sees me and walks over.

"Hey nerd! How come you're sitting all alone? Don't have any friends? Good! Let's keep it that way. You are by far the freakiest person I've ever met. No wonder no one wants to be with you." Tyler, the leader, says. His goons, Mark and Brad, stand behind him and they're laughing.

"...At least I'm not some stuck up bitch..." I say quietly, but loud enough for Tyler to hear. He grabs the collar of my hoodie and pushes me against the wall.

"What the fuck did you say to me you little c***?!" He yells, making several heads turn. I stay quiet, just glaring at him. "Stop looking at me like that Freak!" People are now crowding around us.

"What is going on here!?" We all hear someone say all of a sudden. That voice belonging to, of course, Mr. Reed. "Mr. Powell! Put Mr. Parker down! Now!" Tyler puts me down.

"Mr. Reed! Peter called me a stuck up bitch!" Tyler says in such a fake innocent voice it makes me want to puke. I am about to tell Mr. Reed what really happened but he slaps me across the face and starts yelling at me.

"Peter! We do Not accept that kind of behavior! Apologize to Mr. Powell right now or you will be punished!" He yells and I can see a very small, but visible smirk on Tyler's face.

"I am sorry for calling you a stuck up bitch Mr. Powell." I say with a monotone voice, but still trying to sound a little emotional so I don't have to apologize again.

"Good. Now off with you. You all have school but Peter, could you stay for a second?" Mr. Reed says and the kids leave the dining room, leaving it empty. "Peter, you said you got suspended this week and that you're going to your internship, correct?" I nod. "When will you be leaving?"

I look at the big clock in the dining hall and it says '7:20AM'.

"I'll be leaving around 8AM sir." I don't want to stay here. I'll probably just head off to to the library that's close to the tower.

"Alright, good. I'll be in my office if you need anything, alright?" I nod and he starts to walk away. "Oh, and Peter? Try not to be so troublesome. We have to keep a good reputation." He then leaves and I sit back down at the table and finish my sandwich.

After that I quickly head up to my room and grab my backpack. I look in the mirror and see that there's no mark from the slap. I guess my healing got to it fast, especially now that I'm allowed to eat. After that I hurry down to the lobby. For some reason, Mr. Reed is standing in the lobby with a smirk, but when he sees me his smirk disappears and turns into a frown.

"Ah, good Peter. I assume you'll be leaving now?" I nod. "Have fun at the intership and try not to be trouble for more people." I nod again and head out. I hurry off to the subway and around 15 minutes later I'm on Manhattan. I look at the time. 8:24AM. I have an hour so I walk towards a library close to the tower. An surprisingly, I stumbled across Mr. Lee there.

He was reading a comic book of, what I guess, was the Avengers. He frowned a little and I asked him what was wrong.

"I wish you were in this issue." He says.

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