Chapter 12

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Tony's P.O.V

"Shit! Stephen are you okay?" I say after attacking Spider Man with a laser, which hits him in the shoulder.

"I'm alright Tony. Just in a... sticky situation..." He says and I chuckle. I notice Nat is going hand-to-hand combat with the vigilante, so I start to try and cut the webbing that Stephen's in. It takes a while but when I'm done I see Nat webbed to the ground and Spider Man is gone.

"Shit... he got away"

"If you are done sulking, you could maybe help us out of this god forsaken webbing." Nat yells over at us.

Stephen helps Nat and I fly over to Clint. He's trying to scream but there's a web covering his mouth. I chuckle at the sight and help him.

After about... 10-15~ minutes, both Nat and Birdbrain are free, so we all head back to the tower.

Peter's P.O.V

I woke up around 3 hours after I got home from the fight with a small burning sensation on my left shoulder. But since I actually got to eat something yesterday, my fast healing has nearly healed all my injuries from the past days.

I am currently on the train to school, nearly half asleep and, you know, I'm minding my own business. But then, this really cute guy comes on the train and sits down on the seat opposite of mine. He has blond hair and blue eyes, looks to be around my age. Though, he does have some small scars on his face. 'I wonder where he got them from...' I think to myself.

But then, I get caught starring. He looks at me straight in the eye and smiles. Help, I am literally a bi-mess...

Around 10 minutes later I get off... BUT SO DOES THE CUTE GUY. I need help...

I walk out of the subway and towards the school. He's a couple of meters behind me so I try to walk a little faster, which works. 'Maybe he goes to another school but has to take this way too...' I panic to myself.

A couple more minutes go by and I see the school, then Ned and MJ. For the first time in forever, I'm actually early.

"Hi guys!" I say as I walk up to them.

"Hey Peter!"

"Sup loser."

"Look whose early for once." Ned says, laughing a bit to himself as we walk into the school and towards our lockers.

"Well, you know, I just felt like it." I say shrugging.

We get our stuff and head to first period. As we enter the classroom I see the cute guy talking to the teacher. I try to act like nothings wrong, but I feel my face turning a light shade of red, which my friends notice. As we walk towards our seats in the back of the classroom, both Ned and MJ are snickering.

"What's wrong dude?" Ned asks, holding back a laugh as we sit down.

I tell them what happend earlier today on the subway and they both laugh at the bi-mess I am. MJ pats me on my shoulder and Ned keeps on laughing. They're both in the seats infront of me, probably so I wouldn't unleash my anger on them for laughing. Then the bell rings and everyone is seated except the cute guy, who's standing in front of the class.

"Class, today you'll be getting a new classmate. How about you introduce yourself." Mr. Harrington says unenthusiastically, as usual.

"My name is Wade Wilson, I'm 16 years old and I'm from Canada." He says, looking around the classroom and spots me. I look down at my hands and feel my face getting even more red, which earns me a few chuckles from Ned and MJ.

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