A/N: Are you shitting me? (Update)

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Seriously? SERIOUSLY? SHE FUCKING FAKED IT?!? For those of you just joining us, a RWBY fan who (allegedly, since this was all meant to attack BMBLB shippers) committed suicide actually faked it, and was back to active status a couple hours after the supposed suicide.

Now that everyone is all caught up, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!? You have got to be shitting me right now. Did y'all learn nothing from Sketchek? Did reality not set in before you hit post, Ms. Cleo, if that even is your real fucking name? This is one instance where I will attack people personally. Ms. Cleo, if you're reading this, you are LOWER THAN THE SHIT ON MY BOOTS. SEEK MENTAL HELP, BECAUSE YOU CLEARLY FUCKING NEED IT, YOU FUCKING CHARLATAN. I DO NOT CARE IF I AM FALLING TO THE LEVEL OF THE "BULLIES", BECAUSE SHE ACTUALLY FUCKING DESERVES THIS! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!

I'm sorry for getting this angry and ranty, but I've had family that were in the opoid crisis. They wanted an out, so they did it the only way they could see. They overdosed.

Never fake suicide or actually do it. They both have overwhelming consequences. I'm pretty sure the former is fucking illegal, and the latter will tear your friends, family, and anyone who knows you apart.

For Whom the Fire Burns (Pyromaniac Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now