
14.3K 435 119

Ever since December three years or so ago, you have been acquainted with a new hobby. The art of making videos and uploading them for the world to see.

The "fame" is among nothing special; Moderate, would be the right word for it. If you were to specifically describe it, you'd say you get the same amount of clout that random, unknown streamers would get for playing a game that just come out/or is on the rise.

Saying this, you recognize and very much embrace *not* being an A-list celebrity. Eyecitpeskcaj is one of them, and you see videos of him freaking out over how much P.O mail he gets all the mad-man time. It seems like hell. You chuckle a bit too bitterly at this, and while you're on the subject, you decide it is the perfect time to check your online statistics for this month.

You wonder how it feels to be a sensation Beauty Guru releasing skin-care lines and eyeshadow; Or, A fitness celeb starting J-fuel knock-off brands and gym centers.

Well, It is believed what you make makes sense for you. So that's all that really matters.

When you have time out from vigorously concealing your online identity, you wrote your own books and narrated them on youtube.

Behind the facade of moving photos, drawings, or even story-boards to soon-to-be animations, you've catered to said novels. Some people even liked you enough to propose the purchase of paper-back versions of your transcripts. It all feels surreal, no matter its granular. You moved the mouse upward and clicked the videos to re-sort in Descending order. Ahh.. hm.

One in particular they've latched and held tightly onto is one of your middlemost pieces. It wasn't too old persé, but your videos tended to be as infrequent as they are grandiose.

It was titled "Anastasiac".

It seemed to stick out like a sore thumb between the videos that got an average of 10K views (with a very usual 1:15 view/like ratio). That video alone chewed and swallowed your youtube reach whole, and in turn, spat out 190K views within 2 weeks.

The video right after it, titled "Backseat", was a rare occurrence of song-poetry you tried out, and that went even farther. You almost couldn't believe the audience you were receiving..

That's when the comments rolled in.

4 to 5 was always a safe number, and on the odd chance you featured an open-ended question at the end of the video it could reach around 10 with comfort and familiarity still in tact. Now there were tens, twenties, thirties and that's only counting the ones you tried to reply to or interact with in some way.

The most common one you've read was something along the lines of " Early " or " You should collab with _____ _____ " or even another book author. Some verified people you had never seen even commented on a few of your videos with friendly, yet almost intruding subtle comments - Smileys, "Good-Job"s, and maybe even a little emoji. It was odd, and partially unwelcomed... but it still felt good.


The next day, you woke up to the hype dying down, but the hype was still a wild beast that didn't look subsidable 'til a few weeks from now. You grabbed the mouse and hyperscrolled to the middle of the chaos; 4 hours ago.

More odd but nice comments from verified people, mounds of profile pictures, photos of humans you've never seen, and the occasional drawing or art. You sorted though some and began replying.

Older fans were also now awake, and bewildered by the change. Your output was now doubled; tripled even. Some took pride in their tastes and you made sure to reply, which often sparked an entire discussion in the thread. It was a little funny to see people talk amongst themselves, it almost felt like you were listening in on a conversation done with your phone.

One did stick out to you the most; A very constant fan - You presume it's a younger girl - left a comment under 'Backseat.'.

" Hi, [Y/A]. What nail polish is that? "

Occasionally they would ask a question. So you tried to reply when given the interest.

You typed back; 'Orly - Pure Porcelain.' And called it a night.

Life In Misery | fan!yandere x readerWhere stories live. Discover now