S1: E1 -Pilot

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"Get the fuck up Dean!" I yell at him, he groans and rolls over

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"Get the fuck up Dean!" I yell at him, he groans and rolls over. Not knowing that he didn't have anymore room and rolled off the bed.

"Idiot." I say to him, he sits up and looks at me. I smirk and turn towards the bathroom, he grumbles something to me.

"What'd ya say?" I ask him as I put my hair in a messy bun, he glares at me.

"I said, why the hell am I up at the ass crack of dawn?" He stood up, his bow legs showing, I check my watch.

"Dean... it's noon." I tell him, he looks at the clock on the wall and scrambled to get ready. Little does he know is that I changed the clock.

It was really 6:30.

He didn't need to know.

"We still planning on going and getting Sammy?" I asked him, he nods his head and pushes me out of the bathroom.

"I need to get ready."

"I'll pack or bags!" I yell out to him when I hear him turn on the shower.

I pack the weapons bag, and grab the keys to the Impala, I grab my bag and Deans and head out to the car.

I see that the sun is starting to come out, I take a deep breath of fresh air and smile.

What if I had a normal life? I mean Sammy's getting his normal right this second. Why can't I have mine?

But this was my normal, on the road with my oldest brother and my dad up until dad left us a week ago.

That's why we were going to get Sammy, dad had sent us a voicemail the other day and it had EVP on it. And Sammy was always the one who could tell us what.

But I had done that.

I throw open the Impalas backdoor and throw the bags in. I open the passenger side door and sit inside the car waiting on Dean.

My minds drifting off to Sammy, wondering what his life was like and if I'd enjoy having a life like that.

"You bitch." I hear Dean say to me as he opens his door, I turn and smirk at him.

"I needed you to get up and to get a going." I tell him, he nods his head.

"Fair enough." He starts up the impala and I hum at the sound she makes when he starts it.

The only good thing about Dad disappearing was that he left Dean and I with the car.

"Dean?" I ask him, he hums to me in response.

"What did you think when you first saw me?" I ask him, I've asked him this question for the past almost 18 years.

"I thought "dang, I've got to people to look after now."." He says to me. I smack his arm.

"No I thought that you were a very pretty baby, and that you look exactly like Sam, and as you got older the pretty never left and I for sure thought that I'd have to beat some sons a bitches if they hurt you." I smile and nudge his shoulder.

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