chapter nine

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Monday morning rolls around and it takes everything in me to drag myself from my be and get ready for school. Only thing putting a bit of pep into my step is seeing Zayn today. Our date last night ended on a perfect note and ive been on a high and ready to see him since he dropped me back. We arrived back here around one thirty in the morning and I didnt actually wind up going to sleep until but I dont regret not one bit. After getting dressed and ready I file down the stators wire my bag slung across my shoulders and see my uncle sitting at the counter with a cup of coffee wrapped into his hands. "Goodmorning Uncle." I cheerily announce to him and go to give him a hug. He looks at me suspiciously as if something is wrong but I ignore it and make my way to the fridge. "You've been here what? A month? Month and a half and this is the happiest ive seen you since you stepped foot into this house that first day." He looks at me quizzically when I flash him a smile, thats when reality seems to set in.

"It was that boy wasn't it.." He trails off and I watch as his eyes go wide and he gets almost an angry look to his face. "Bellamy I swear if you and that boy had-"

"No! No, God no uncle. That very much did not happen and even if it did I would not be speaking to you about it." His features relax drastically. Sex was always a taboo topic to talk about within my whole family, I was never comfortable talking about it with my parents and they didnt make it any easier to speak about given that they were ministers and preached abstinence until marriage. Although thats how my uncle grew up given that they were brothers he kind of strayed away from that traditional thinking that most Christians uphold or hear most of their childhood lives. He for a fact is open about any topic and won't hold back on educating someone just because its deemed as a taboo topic that families typically dont discuss.

"You know I look at you as my own daughter Bellamy," I nod knowing exactly what he's referring to. When I was away from home and even when my own father got murdered, my relationship with my uncle became stronger and I began to look at him as my second father, another dad I can look up to. I never felt that way about Aunt Mo however, shes cool and all but I feel like I can never see her in that light, especially since shes not even blood related.

"And you do know whether your father was here or not, whatever boy thought he was going to talk to you, date you or even marry you would have to come talk to me first before anything, even more now than ever." He gets up from his place at the counter and walks my way and takes me into a hug. "Ive always been protective over you, you can even say im over-protective of you. But you know ive always looked at you as my little girl because in a way you always have been."

" Yes Uncle, now why are you being so sappy?" He shrugs his shoulders and kisses my forehead. "Boys now and days are rude and disrespectful for no reason. I just don't want you getting hurt cause I know I'd really go off of anyone did anything to purposely hurt you." I hug him back and quickly move out of his tight embrace. "I promise uncle I'm being careful, there's nothing to worry about. Zayns a really good guy." His eyes go wide and he cocks his head to the side.

"Zayn, Zayn. Why does that name sound so familiar?" He strokes his chin with his thumb and pointer finger seeming to be in deep thought. "Is his last name Malik, I think?" I hesitantly nod and uncles face lights up like a Christmas tree. "Oh wow what a small world, I've worked with his father from sometime now. They're such a good family." I awkwardly smile not really knowing what else to say about that fact my uncle knew my potential boyfriend before I even knew him.

"Well I have to get going to school, do you think you can drive me since it's raining?" He shakes his head as he places his empty mug into the sink. "Sorry kid, we have a meeting starting early today and I've already used up some of my driving time talking to you, ask your aunt if shes still here." I look to him with a blank face asn watch as a cheesy smirk spreads across it. My aunt aka his wife isn't my favorite person in the world and he and everyone around us knows that. Shes always tried playing that mom role in my life even before my mom passed and shes taking it way too serious.

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