Chapter six

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My eyes crack open from the intense sunlight peering through the blinds. I go to flip on my opposite in attempt to rid of the annoying beam and fall back asleep but as I go to move my body is held into place and won't budge. I look down at the weight weighing my body down and see n arm come into view. I roll my head  back a few inches and a peacefully sleeping Zayn comes into my view. Lips slightly parted, eyes fluttering every so often and small puffs of air escape past his lips.

As I observe the sate of the room, I realize that sometime in the night the whole group had moved into one of the rooms upstairs belonging to a frat member. Zayn and I are cuddled on the floor with a mound of blankets while everyone else is placed either on the bed or around the floor. I slip from under Zayns arm and softly place it onto the ground. I watch as his eyes flutter open and adjust to the sunlight. He rubs the sleep from his eyes and props himself up on his elbow. He looks around with the same confused expression I held just moments ago  and cocks his head to to the side. His eyes study my bare body as im only dressed in a bra and shorts and he only has a thin pair of basketball shorts on, thoughts seem to zip throughout his mind of different scenarios as to how we could have ended up like this, together and unclothed at that.

"Last night was fun." I feel my cheeks go red as and I tear my gaze away from Zayn.

"Thank you for that." He cocks his head  to the side but the smile remains engrained not his olive toned face. "Thank you? For what?"

"For a good night, for distracting me from life for little while, for literally involving me in every game possible and getting me stupid drunk beyond comprehension. A lots been going on in my life the last few months and I needed a distraction to get my mind off of everything and this definitely helped with that." He places a hand onto my elbow and gently strokes it. "Anytime, Bellamy. Really anytime you wanna hang just let me know, ill definitly make the time to hang with you and your fine ass." A cheeky smirk lips onto the corner of his lips on the last few words and I really can't hide the smile that's forcing its way onto my cheeks.

"Oh, is someone blushing?" He flicks his finger under my chin and I shove his shoulder back before we both break into a quiet chuckle. 

"For fucks sake, just go in the other room and fuck already. No one wants to hear yall choppin it up this damn early in the morning."

"And no one wants to hear your ass whining this damn early, Harry. So looks like we both got an issue here." Heads around the room begin to pop up and shift back and forth between Harry and I. 

"I swear all yall do is just go back and forth like brother and sisters, its kind of annoying." The girl Harry had been dragging around all night rises from the ground with a sheet covering her bare chest. Just as Im about to fire back at the girl whose name I've yet to learn or just overall forgot, the phone to the left of my head begins to vibrate. When I look at the caller my uncles name flashes across the screen, I decline the call and quickly text him I'm okay and out with Gemma and that I should be home within the next few hours. 

"Is that daddy calling you to get home?" Harry teases and my vision blurs and I rise to my feet. I have a killer headache from the handover im still trying to get one but my adrenaline is too high and fights through the annoying pain. "Harry shut the hell up." Gemma scolds and makes her way over to her immature little brother. At that same moment, Harrys phone begins to buzz on  beside him and he unlocks it to check the notification.

I could hit him like last time or even go back and forth in an arguing match with Harry but I decide abasing it. I know that's what he wants, and he wants everyone to see a side of me that he has only seen but I will not let that happen. Being a minority especially in this town is already hard enough and I won't give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me live up to the typical black girl stereotypes. "Is that yours? Oh shit, I forgot he apperently left to go to the grocery store and never came back for your sorry ass. Tell me Harry, how does it feel to know that your own dad never even loved you and replaced you with someone who's not even his own blood?"

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