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A love triangle. Between 3 people.
2 boys and 1 girl.
No, this isn't the basic story, of two guys loving one girl, to protect her and the world revolves around her, ugh. No.
It's about 2 lovers, Jimin and well You.
So what's the point? Well, there's Jimins bestfriend, Taehyung.
That's inlove with Jimin.

The worst thing about it is, taehyung gives advice to Jimin. How to get you, even though it hurts him inside, he does it anyway. To make him happy. But, he doesn't know how long he can last.

Taehyung decided to go for a walk, he does that often when he can't sleep. His mother knows about his little secret but his dad, he could never find out. Things wouldn't, turnout good. And that's why he cries himself to sleep every night. He couldn't count the nights he wished you were dead.

You started a rumor about him liking you, he would always hang out with you and Jimin, follow you everywhere, talk to you and everything so you thought he liked you— except he was just trying to keep you away from Jimin as much as possible.

He soon reached the park, only sources of light was the few lights and the stars. He breathed in the cold, bitter October air as he continued walking.
He came across two figures, one that seemed to be a girl and other a boy.
Jimin and Y/N.

There was tension between you two. Taehyung froze as his heart stopped, watching. Jimin slowly leaned down, kissing you. "No.." Taehyung painfully whispered.
Water came to Taehyung eyes as he witnessed it, and it hurt like hell. He slowly backed away, back into the darkness, before running, tears streaming down his face.

The next day slowly went by. Taehyung didn't text Jimin once. He didn't get out of bed or ate, he just laid there, crying and thinking. Nothing made sense, no body accepted him, nobody cared for him. He felt alone in the big, scary world.
He was afraid.

Taehyung picked up his phone, he didn't realize how late it was, 8:00 pm. He read the message, from Jimin ☺️
He slowly swiped it, hesitating.

"R u okay bro? Meet me at the park, I need ur help."

                  "No, leave me alone!
                   "No, leave me|
                    "No, leave|
Oh, how desperately did he not want to go, but of course his stupid heart made him.

"Taehyung! What happened? You okay.." Jimin asked concerned, Taehyung wanted to tell him the truth. But he hid. "Yeah, what's up?!" He faked smiled, Jimin sighed in relief.

"It's about Y/n-" the memories of yesterday hit Taehyung as a tear ran down his cheek.
"—Taehyung? Are you actually fine?" He asked. "God! Why do you always talk about her. Y/N this Y/N that, YOU NEVER WANT TO HANG OUT ANYMORE! ITS ALWAYS ABOUT HER!" Jimin was shocked by the sudden outburst,

"WHY? IS IT BECAUSE YOU LIKE HER?" Jimin yelled back, "NO!" Taehyung furiously replied. "OH REALLY? YOU DONT LIKE HER" Jimin asked. "NO!" Taehyung answered. "REALLY?"

"n-NO, BECAUSE I-I-" Taehyung started.
" I WHAT?" Jimin yelled,
"I LIKE YOU!" Taehyung closed his eyes.

Jimin froze shocked, as silence ranged through the air.

"W-what..?" Jimin asked, shocked.

Taehyung sighed, "I like you.." he confessed.
"But I thought you-" Taehyung cut off Jimin.

"I'm bi..." Taehyung closed his eyes as he softly cried.

"Just ask her, because if I was her. I would want to be with you." He answered the longing question.

"...goodbye, Jimin." Taehyung sniffled, turning around walking back off in the darkness. Leaving Jimin confused.

Breaking news:
A 17 year old student has died last night of suicide. May his lost soul find its way to
heaven. Thank you for all the happiness you spreaded, goodbye Kim Taehyung.

This was ass wtf

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