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The pain slowly eased away, as comfort and peace took over. The light started to blur out my mind, as blackness fell over. Wanting to turn the lights on but I couldn't move. I couldn't move anything.

I felt so tired though, like I could just sleep forever. I've been in the darkness for quiet awhile now, but soon a big light flashed at my eyes, making my head ache. 

It was a little dot, but It got bigger and bigger. It was hypnotizing. It soon took over, and everything was so bright, like I was in front of the sun. 

It soon dimmed down, and I found myself in a meadow. A beautiful meadow filled with colorful, majestic flowers I didn't even know existed till now.

Little colorful, hummingbird like creatures flew around. fairies. The sky was a baby blue, and violet color, with planets hanging in the sky like decoration's.  

beautiful green mountains surrounded me, as I could see a glistening pond near me. it was sparkling, like a pool of diamonds. 

I heard a loud roar, as I turned around. 

"WHOA!" I yelped, ducking down. A beautiful purple, green, and blue big beast flew above, it's long tail almost hitting my head. Its beautiful long wings expanded. A dragon, awesome. 

"BARK" I heard a dog, I turned over even more confused, seeing a German shepherd/terrier little dog hopping in the field, as it got closer, i realized.."Roxy?!" 

I almost cried, it was my childhood dog, my only dog at that. she died a long time ago, this definitely wasn't Seoul. 

"Hey, girl." I pet her, as she tried to jump up on me. I kneeled down onto my knees, "I've missed you so much." I petted her, "BARK!"she replied, wagging her tail, her tounge out of her mouth. I chuckled, as I started tearing up again.

"I don't think i'm in Seoul anymore, even earth at that.." I cried. She barked again. 

"What will mom think? Dad, Omg I'm so sorry..they must be worried. I hope they aren't in too much pain. Dad always had a bad heart..i'm a bad was just too hard." I sobbed, tears rolling down my cheek. 

Roxy whined, nudging me. 

Silence took over, as the warm air filled with my sobs. 

"..Hey! Your not a bad person! Your beautiful, nice, kind. It's not your fault, I promise." A male voice assured. My sobbing dimmed, as I looked up, a brown haired boy stood in front of me. 

He had beautiful, smooth honey-brown skin. half moon eyes, that were chocolaty brown, small, pink, plump lips. He had a bright smile that warmed my heart, and a sharp jaw line and visible cheek bones. He was very handsome.

I stood up, wiping my tears. 

"W-who..who are you?" He seemed familiar, I just couldn't put my finger on it.

He smiled, "Hello Sulli, my name is.." I was shocked to hear my name come out his mouth. 

" name is- jonghyun." He smiled again. It took a moment, then it clicked. Jonghyun. 

"Jonghyun, where am I?" I asked, he laughed, making my insides gooey. "Heaven, duh." 

My face tinted pink, embarrassed. He stook out his hand, "Come on, take my hand. You'll want to see more. It's just not me either." he said. I raised my eyebrows. "There's others?" I asked, he nodded, his eyes glimmering with excitement. 

she looked down, anticipating. she then looked up, then back to his hand, slowly taking it. 

He smiled, "Come on." he said, before running. "Yah!" Sulli yelled, getting dragged, as they ran through the fields laughing, as roxy followed behind.



MARCH 29, 1994- OCTOBER 14, 2019 

An angel who deserved so much better than what she got.

You'll be missed.

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