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best friend


1. person's closest friend

fake friend

1.A person who falsely claims to be, feel, or do something can be said to be fake. When your friend acts sweet but spreads rumors about you behind your back, you can call her/him a fake. As a verb, fake means to take an action with the intent to deceive.





the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.


Dear Jin,

Freinds, thats what we were. since age 4, the bestes friends, thus since our parents were too. But As we grew older, the more unsocial i got, and the more social you got. even though we promised not to ever part ways, we were slowly breaking that promise, or you were. You became the handsome Kim seokjin, and i became-an ghost..but you could care less, because it was all about presentiaton, right? 

I understand I guess, but what i don't get is why you ghost me. I saw you had a new group of friends, and as i walked up to you, you walked pass me like i wasn't there. 

I see that you got yourself a girlfriend. did she take my place in your heart, she even threatened me. I guess you didn't know that.

but agian, you don't know anything anymore, what my favorite color is, if i have a lover, my favorite animal, nothing. 

i bet you don't know it brings me in pain when you laugh at me, when i get bullied. when i say, i miss you're laugh, i meant the laugh that you did when we were younger. happy times. I remeber in 2nd grade, when we sat on the bleachers, at recesses, trading food. telling jokes, you eating sand, or giving me a piggy back ride.

or in 7th grade the way you played with my hair. 

or the promise ring. jin, i have a question. do you belive in heaven? sometimes, i wonder if there is a god. if after we die, thats it. our eyes are just closed, an eternity of darkness, and maybe our heaven is here on earth, jin you are my heaven. What is your's? 

Before i go i wanted to let you know, its okay. i understand. In order to proceed, you have to let go. and you happened to let me go. and i'll do the same.

jin, i love you.

goodbye, friend.

- - -

jin was currently out with his friends, as he got a call from kaya's sister? he ignored it, and countinued, untill she called it again.

"i'll be right back!" he said, walking away from his group before picking up.

"what?" he said coldly. he then heard whimperes from the other side, which made his heart go soft.

"l-lola, whats wrong?" he said concered.

"k-kaya," her voice cracked, jin furrowed his eyebrows.

"what?" he answered.

"s-she is in armoli hospital." she said, jin stopped moving, thinking, breathing, he quickly hung up, running to his car, not caring about his 'friends' right now, only one thing was on his mind-his best friend kaya.

he soon made it to the hospital, running through the main doors, before opening curtins to every tiny room, untill he became across an room with doctors surrounding someone.

"one, two, shoot!" they said. jin slowly walked over, as there was a little gap inbetween. and there she lied, lifeless. jin forgot how to breathe for a minute, as his eyes trailed to her hand, that was lying off the bed, her hand was so bloody. but something caught his attention. 

"the ring.." he whispered out.


"kaya!" he grabbed kaya.

"yea?" she softly replied, "when me and my mom went to the beach, i saw this ring, and since i know you love turtles.." he slid an metal turtle ring on her finger.

she awhed. "its so pretty! thank you jin!" she hugged him, he giggled. "no problem, we are bestfriends forever right?" he said, she broke the hug, attaching her pinky to his. "right!" the two then broke out into laughter.


"jin." lola's voice brought her back to reality, he looked over to the broken younger sibling. "she had this in her room, its says 'to jin' " she handed him the folded peice of paper.

his heart broke reading it, at a tear slid down his cheek, he looked back up to your lifeless body which they were now covering it up.

"my heaven was here, you were my heaven."

- - -

a/n- yall check my other books out PlEaSE

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