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The sun was just barely beginning to set over the sleepy town of Gravity Falls. People busied themselves on the streets of this small town, including a teenager by the name of Dakota Chapley. Nobody quiet understood this teenager. For one, they were neither a boy nor a girl. It was confusing to say the least. However, most accepted them as who they were.

This particular late afternoon, Dakota was heading towards the infamous tourist trap, The Mystery Shack. They worked there part-time as a cashier in the gift shop. It payed somewhat decently, but Dakota couldn't deny that the place was absolutely terrible when it came to actual mysteries.

All of the Mystery Shack's "mysteries" weren't really mysteries at all. They were poorly put together pieces and a lot of fake bogus. However, the idiot tourists that came through always believed them to be absolutely real and somewhat terrifying. Dakota had a tendency to roll their eyes every time they heard a terrified shout coming from the attraction room.

Dakota would do anything to bring in an actual mystery, and actual creature, but no. Soos, their boss, told them day after day that real monsters and mysteries were too scary. He never did deny the fact that they were real, however.

Dakota had been 13 when they ran into their first weird creature of Gravity Falls. They had been walking around the edge of the woods when they had looked up and spotted a trio of garden gnomes, watching them. Dakota had been taken by surprise, and...kinda ran away screaming. But ever since that day, Dakota had been exploring the many oddities and wonders of Gravity Falls. One of the things that allured them the most, however, was the mystery of the triangle demon Bill Cipher.

Apparently, before Dakota had even moved here, there had been some type of Apocalypse called Weirdmageddon. Caused by Bill Cipher, it brought chaos and calamity to Gravity Falls. It would've spread through the entire universe, had it not been for the efforts of the Pines Twins and their great uncles, Stanley and Stanford Pines. Dakota had never met the Pines Twins, but they had met their Great Uncles. They'd return to Gravity Falls every summer. However, Dakota felt to intimidated to ever talk to them. They had left for their adventures a week prior, the whole town had come to see them off.

Dakota found themself at the entrance to the Mystery Shack. They sighed and opened the door to the large, run-down household.

"Dakota! Glad you made it, dude!" The man of Mystery himself, Soos, walked up to them. Dakota smiled. Soos was the type of person who could cheer anyone up.

"Thanks, sir." Dakota said, smiling. "Is Bryn here yet?" They asked. Bryn was their coworker until the end of the shift, she re-stocked the shelves.

"Nope, not yet." Soos said. That wasn't normal, Bryn usually arrived before they did. However, Dakota shrugged it off. Maybe she was running behind schedule, it happened.

"Okay, then." Dakota gave Soos one last smile before taking their position behind the cash register.

Like always, work was really slow. Dakota cashed out 5 customers in one hour, and still Bryn had not come. This was very unusual for her. Bryn was very prompt, and the only reason she would skip work was because of an emergency. However, she had not called in to asked someone else to take her shift. As Dakota was re-stocking some of the shelves, they overheard Soos on the phone with someone. Dakota could only assume it was Bryn's parents. As soon as the phone call ended, Soos came into the room with a grim look on his face.

"Soos? What's going on?" Dakota asked. They're worry and anxiety increased as they turned to face Soos.

"I was just talking to Bryn's parents. She left for work, but she never got here." Soos's worry was obvious in his tone. "They're calling the police. I'm not going to send you back yet, just in case the danger's still out there, but you should call your mom to let her know." Soos instructed. Dakota nodded as the man left the room. Bryn? Missing? They couldn't believe their ears. Dakota pulled their phone out of their pocket and dialed their mom's number.

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