Art Class

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Dipper and Will walked in blissful silence towards art class. It wasn't the type of silence that was awkward, it was a pleasant silence. A type of silence Dipper didn't mind at all. Of course, there came the whispers of the new kid walking alongside the maniac, but it didn't look like Will minded or cared. In fact, he looked rather pleased with himself as he hummed a happy tune. It was admirable, Dipper couldn't help but be amazed at how he was acting.

The pair soon arrived at the art classroom. They were the first ones there, which meant first seating choices. Will seemed to be waiting for Dipper. Dipper gave him a puzzled look, before walking forward and choosing a seat at one of the tables in the back corner. These tables sat two people, so Will came and sat in the empty chair next to Dipper. He took his shoulder bag off and leaned it up against the table leg.

Soon enough, other students started filing into the classroom. Dipper spotted Mabel walking into the room with a guy friend of hers. Great, just great, Will was going to leave him for his sister now that she was here. She was the popular girl, everybody adored her. Will would much rather be around her. However, Will didn't get up. He instead turned to Dipper and smiled.

"Your sister doesn't seem to be very nice to you." He commented.

Dipper sighed. "She has every reason to be." He said. His small smile that had been there before faded.

"How come?" Will tilted his head to the side in curious interest.

"It's...complicated." Dipper murmured. He stared down at his lap. Will didn't need to know what happened. It would ruin everything that he had managed to build so far.

Mabel and her guy friend decided to sit right in front of them. Dipper audibly groaned, but Mabel either didn't notice or didn't care. She continued chatting away to her guy friend. For some reason this guy reminded him of the weird puppet dude they met their first summer in Gravity Falls. The thought just made his insides squirm in annoyance.

As soon as the bell rang, the teacher, Mr. Ross, called for attention. "Class, please get to your seats! I'm sure you all know the class procedures by now so we're just going to get into the instructions for the first project."

Dipper listened intently. This was really the only thing he and Mabel had in common. They both loved to draw. Dipper mainly enjoyed drawing cryptids and grotesque creatures, just to freak people out. Mabel liked drawing more happy things, like comics. Most of the time they were polar opposites. Mabel was a theater kid who loved being the center of attention and making people happy. Hence why she was so popular throughout the school. Dipper hated everything to do with the spotlight. He loved technology, and worked as a stage crew member in Mabel's shows. Though, everyone in the class usually avoided interaction with him. He also loved math and science and basically most regular school subjects. Mabel hated anything to do with organization, or anything that involved using too much brain power.

The project was basically a drawing to see how much skill you had at the moment. Mr. Ross had a tradition where you draw something at the beginning of the year, and then you re-drew it at the end of the year to see how much you improved. Dipper enjoyed this tradition because you could practically draw whatever you wanted. Mr. Ross instructed where the papers were for their drawings, and then sent them on their way.

Dipper immediately got to his feet and grabbed a paper for himself. Will was behind him, and he grabbed his own paper. Dipper already had an idea as to what he wanted to draw. He was already starting on laying out the pose and body design when Will got back. Will smiled at Dipper and chuckled, then took his own seat and started to draw.

"You like drawing weird stuff?" Will asked, peering over to Dipper's drawing breifely before turning back to his.

"They're called cryptids. And yes, I do." Dipper answered. He was drawing a Chinese dragon like creature with the head of a raven.

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