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Dipper and his twin sister, Mabel, watched helplessly from a distance as their great uncle shook the hand of the most perilous demon in the multiverse. Bill laughed a crazed sort of laugh as he left his body, turning it to stone. The triangle demon delve into the mind of his Gruncle Ford, or who was supposedly him.

"What do we do!?" Mabel cried out in panic, scrambling to her feet and running over to Gruncle Stan. Dipper was close behind her. His mind was racing. The entire world was going to die all because he and Mabel couldn't stop him. It was terrifying to think about.

"Don't worry, we have a plan." Gruncle Stan said. However, his voice wasn't Gruncle Stan's. It was Gruncle Ford's. He pulled off Stan's Fez to reveal his much different hair style. He took the memory gun and pointed it at Stanley.

"Gruncle Ford, what are you doing!?" Dipper said, looking horrified.

"It's the only way, Dipper. I'm sorry." Ford programmed the gun to erase Stanford Pines.

Dipper felt like the world went in slow motion when Gruncle Ford placed his hand on the trigger. There was a bright blue glow, blinding everything.

17 year old Dipper Pines woke with a start from the nightmare. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He sat up, curling himself up into a ball and willing himself calm down. Over and over he reminded himself that it was just a dream. It always felt so real every time it happened, though. He shook uncontrollably as he clawed at his leg. He kept his focus on breathing, his therapist had told him to do that whenever something like this happened. His heart was going a mile a minute, it always seemed like calming down from this was impossible.

Dipper forced himself to count to ten out loud, to focus on something other than the traumatic dream. "One..." He took a shakey breath. "Two..." He was clawing at his leg so hard he felt warm blood run down his leg. "Three..." His grip loosened on his leg a little. "Four..." His breathing became a little bit easier. "Five..." He felt the blood run down his leg and drip off into the sheets. "Six..." His mind was starting to clear up a little from the panic and fear. "Seven..." He closed his eyes now just to focus on his breathing. "Eight...nine..." He let go of himself and fell back into the pillow. "Ten."

Dipper opened his eyes to stare at the blank ceiling of his room. He still hadn't gotten used to the ceiling being bare. Usually he would've had some bizarre conspiracy theories or posters of the paranormal and weird on his ceiling, sprinkled with some of Mabel's stickers. It'd been almost a 3 years since he and Mabel had stopped sharing a room. He'd lost interest in the weird and unordinary.

Dipper looked at the opposite side of the room. It was a blank stretch of wall, and in the corner was where Mabel's bed used to sit. Why was he thinking about Mabel so much? Dipper looked to the ceiling again and held his hands in front of his face. He and Mabel hadn't been the same for a while now. Not ever since... He stopped himself. Thinking about that would trigger his anxiety again, which would lead to a panic attack.

That was his life nowadays. Constantly thinking about anxiety and PTSD. Ever since he had been diagnosed, he had felt more alone in the world than ever. Their parents had banned both him and Mabel from going back to Gravity Falls, they knew Dipper had gotten PTSD from their first summer there. They also didn't allow them any contact with their Great Uncles. This made Dipper angry. He often felt like talking to Ford or Stan about this would help him, but he had been banned from even mentioning them in a conversation. He was completely exhausted from all the medication, being constantly alert and all of the fear and panic that came with this. He often wondered if this would ever get better. Sure, the medication helped, but it never got rid of the PTSD. It was always still there, in the back of his mind.

Dipper sighed and sat up again. He looked out the window on the other side of his bed. He stared out at the familiar neighborhood street. Tonight was going to be yet another very long night.

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