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Ivy Evans was early to rise the morning after the delegations arrived. It was with a smile on her face that she stood up from her bed, got dressed in casual attire and braided her red hair down her back. Skipping through the corridors whilst humming some song, she reached the Entrance Hall.

Even this early there were students sitting in the benches that were pushed to the walls, watching the Goblet of Fire closely, waiting for anyone to put their name in. Almost, Ivy thought to herself as she walked up to it, stopping right before the chalk Age-Line Dumbledore had drawn. The blue flames crackled in the air, teasing Ivy. Just you wait, Ivy thought, just you wait.

Someone to the side called her name and Ivy was drawn out of her silent conversation with the Goblet, turning to the source of the voice. Hermione sat on one of the benches, a book in her lap and a piece of toast with eggs on a napkin beside her. Seeing Hermione up this early, especially on a Sunday, didn't come as a shock to Ivy, it was the person next to the younger girl that caught her attention.

This was the first time she had seen Iris Meadowes outside of their usual Hogwarts uniforms. Ivy froze and approached the two, her face reddening as she felt Iris' eyes on her.

"Good morning, Hermione," Ivy greeted politely. Biting the inside of her cheek, she turned to Iris and said, "Hiya!" and immediately regretted her choice of words.

For some inexplainable reason Ivy could not, for the love of God, speak in any normal human language to Iris, which seemed to be quite a new development. Iris was mean, Ivy knew this, but according to Fred only to her. Was it something she did? Something she said? Ivy racked her brain for any reason the Slytherin would dislike her so, but came up empty.

This never happened to her. People always liked her and she always liked people. In the past couple of weeks, Ivy had tried to show kindness toward Iris when they were in Potions and at first glance Iris would smile and respond in the same manner, but then she would catch Ivy's eye and her face would grow red and sour and she'd say something mean. It drove Ivy crazy.

"Morning," Hermione replied with a small smile on her face. "Will you join us? We're going over this book we read. Carmilla, it's called."

"Oh, I'm sure Evans has got better things to do with her da—" Iris began.

"Nonsense. Besides, we should all get to know each other better, since we're going to be spending loads more time together. Ivy is Harry's cousin, did you know that Iris?"

Iris' eyes embiggened to the size of saucers.

Ivy groaned into her hands. "God, Hermione, tell the entire school, would you?"

"Sorry." She didn't look remotely sorry. "But since your mums are great friends with the Potters, I thought surely you'd spend some time together over holidays and such."

Iris looked horrified.

"I'm not so sure, Hermione," Ivy began, her cheeks tinting red as she avoided glancing at Iris. "I'm pretty sure Mrs. Po—Lily hates my dad. I thought she'd punch him when they ran into each other."

"That doesn't mean she hates you as well," said Hermione.

Before anyone could say anything else, or Ivy could feel even more personally offended at the clear disgust Iris was conveying, the doors to the Entrance Hall opened. A flock of pale-blue students floated inside and leading them was none other than Olympe Maxime, who looked as stern and prim as ever. The Beauxbatons students chattered excitedly amongst themselves as they eyed the glorious Goblet.

Henri caught Ivy's eye and quickly glanced at Maxime. He mouthed a silent 'hide' at her.

"Oh, dear..." Ivy gulped loudly and frantically looked around for a space to hide, only to find herself under the death stare of her former Headmistress.

"I'm guessing she's not fond of you?" Iris said, leaning back and watching the show.

Ivy rolled her eyes. "You two have something in common, then," she muttered and slowly began her approach to the Beauxbatons delegation when Maxime beckoned her.

She noticed Henri feverishly shaking his head.

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