Chapter 3: Living with Muppet

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Genocide's pov:

So this was the better option. Toriel insisted that we stay with her but by unanimous vote, each for their own reason, we declined her offer. Surprisingly, Muffet came along offering us a place to stay. From Chara's memories I found out that they were close friends due to Chara's like of creepy and misunderstood things. They played pranks on Asriel a lot in their time of life leading to a mild case of arachnophobia. Back on topic.

Now monsters being monsters they take everything to the extreme or to the heart. Kinda why the humans went to war with them. What? You thought humans started the war? Well they issued it but its because monsters are prone to emotional outbursts. Look at Undyne and mad dummy. Or Napstablook.

Now back to living arrangements. Because monsters never existed it's not realistic to assume they all had a place to stay. Only the royal family, which includes Frisk and technically us, and a few others were given temporary homes on the surface. The main part of the population however was to stay underground until legal and area matters were sorted out. That means me and Mercy are currently still in the underground. Though I do not mind. Other than Mercy and Chara, Muffet is the only one in this world I don't hate. Yes, I have many reasons to hate everyone else. Muffet though, she's different. Maybe because there's no negative side in their history. Anyways one thing I myself know from all those runs is that Muffet loves her currency.

It was no suprise to me that we would be working with/for her. And it wasn't a bad job either. Plus, we got paid. Double score. Though there was this one time...

Three months after the barrier is broken:

Genocide's pov:

I yawned as our shift went by slower than Undyne dying. I wasn't physically tired or anything or was the yawn actually a real yawn. It's just something. Chara was fond of doing. There were barely any customers and Frisk just had to grace us with their presence. We had finally fused into Chara so that they could personally talk to Chara but lo and behold that idiot comes and scares us apart. Apparently as Chara their and Frisk's bond reappears meaning Frisk will know when and where we fuse. Muppet didn't really care for Frisk anyways so she didn't have a problem temporarily kicking him out.

Oh? Did you notice I said him? Well apparently that's his human gender. How do I know? That's a story for later.

Now I'm leaning on the counter watching Mercy weave through the few customers we have. Everything was fine till Muffet left. The patreons at table four, two monsters and two male humans started to get a bit more rowdy. Well, maybe rowdy is the wrong word.

You see, being humanoid in shape we needed a different uniform than the spiders. Lo and behold Alphys had a solution in the form of cosplay. See where this is going?

The monster at the table, a large bird thing, had ordered another round of cider and baked goods. Nothing wrong with that. I give Mercy the order and the minute she sets the orders down I hear a smack. Now my eyes may be closed but I don't need them to see what happened. Or heard.

If Mercy could make noise she would have. The men just laughed. Then came the flirting. Now for the smack they would already be dead but we can't have a rep for killing customers. As I was contemplating their punishment the human grabbed Mercy by the wrist, dragging them towards him. His entire table was dead the next second. At least it was mostly painless.

The living are disgusting creatures.

I decided to take their soul since it would be a waste not to. Maybe I could use them for something. Mercy was disappointed in me but nothing they could do about it.

*present time*

So that happened. Muffet never found the bodies and I'm a bit stronger. Yay me I guess. Chara would never approve of mundane killing but thats all I have. That and their memories.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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