Chapter 2: Duality

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Frisk just stared at the two. What else could they do? They were thoroughly convinced that at least one of these kids was Chara. The person that helped them yet judged them is right in front of them. True they never did anything before to them negativly or positivly but it was still a worrying concept. Frisk felt like they would be killed at any moment. Or whatever they decided.

"So, it worked." the red one said. Sitting up they looked at Frisk. Frisk gulped as they looked into their eyes. Eyes so black that they looked like the void but so definite that you could just tell they were eyes and not sockets like Sans. Frisk fell to the ground panting as they noticed that their hp had gone down drastically while staring into the red Chara's eyes. "Well, that's intresting." said person stated as their partner got up as well. The second they opened their eyes the entire room was bathed in pure golden light that blinded the other two occupants. Frisk closed their eyes as they felt their air come back to them as they were covered in the warm light.

"Mercy! I can't see!" the red Chara cried out. Like a switch the light was gone. Frisk opened their eyes to see that the other child was now standing next to the red one. Mercy seemed to be their name. They opened their mouth but no sound came out. They frowned at this new discovery. "It seems that you have no voice. I am sorry about that.

Mercy shook their head. "Don't be." They thought to their partner. Who seemed to recive it as if it were out loud.

"Well at least I can hear your thoughts." the red one said much to Frisk's surprise. Seemed like these two had a bond like Frisk and Chara had where only Frisk could hear them. Maybe Frisk still had that connection to them if one of them was Chara.

"C-chara?" Frisk asked timidly using their determination to mentally speak with either of the two. It didn't seem to work as neither of the two noticed and were too busy 'looking' at each other and having what seemed like an inner conversation. Frisk tried again, with more effort as their face scrunched up with their effort.

"What are you doing?" the red head asked as they turned to face Frisk, eyes still closed. At least they weren't trying to kill Frisk since Frisj now knew they could literally kill them with a look.

"Chara? Is that you?" Frisk asked as they pushed themself up to be at eye level with the two. Or would have if they weren't both about an inch shorter than themself.

"We are Chara no more." the red head said. "My new name is Genocide and you, human, are no longer any worry of ours."

"Genocide?" Frisk asked perplexed.

"Precisely. Chara died when they ate those flowers. Chara stopped existing when they met you." they sneered. Frisk flinched back at the malice in their voice. The other Chara, Mercy as Frisk would have to get use to, put their hand on Genocide's shoulder causing them to visibly calm down. Some things were said mentally and then, hand in hand, the two walked off towards where Frisk would normally meet Flowey.

"Wait! Where are you going!? Why can't I feel Chara's presence in me!?" Frisk then noticed something. They didn't have that empty feeling in their chest anymore. "And why do I have a soul?"

"I already told you Chara is no more. Though technically the two of us are Chara in a way. Yet we are also the physical manifestations of all the LV and friendship you gained. As for where we are going. We are going to destroy the barrier. What I have learned is that Mercy and I would never have our own life as Chara or while you had control over the fate of the underground. To remedy that we have become separate from you as well as our past and old obligations. Now to truly free ourselves we shall destroy the barrier. Due to the countless Resets, Chara had stored up enough LV and Friendship to break the barrier though raw power. However due to your constant change in paths they were torn both mentally and physically by you, the countless timelines and all the LV you had gained."

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