Chapter 1: the Split

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How many resets had it been? Chara forgot. For what in real time could have been years. But in reset time only weeks depending on how long Frisk kept at it. They were currenty in judgment hall, Sans was just sitting there like before waiting for Frisk to get enough determination to attack him.

They've done the genocide route so many times that this was the first time they beat Sans without taking damage. Maybe this is what they wanted by a perfect ending. The more they reset the better they got at fighting and the less damage they take each time. This was the first run ever where they went untouched by any monster.


"Did you really think I would just-" Sans began but then stopped as he knew what was coming next.

But nothing happened. They both waited for the supposed second strike but it didn't come.

'Oh right, I forgot to hit him.' Chara thought to themself. Raising the knife to finish Frisk's wishes they were stopped by another thought. 'But why should I?" The knife was then shot out of Frisk's hand by a bone. Frisk winched in pain but Chara was no longer paying them any mind.

'Why do I help Frisk? Because they brought me back from the dead. But for what purpose? To get stronger. To free all monsters.'


'Which one is it?'

'To free"

"To kill"

'To save'

'To move on to the next'


'What do I want?'


'Have I ever asked myself that? Is my purpose just related to whatever Frisk's end goal is? Or, do I have a will of my own? What do I want? I want something. Frisk's want is my want. Right? Wrong! Yes? No! But- We are not Frisk. We? Us? Who is we? Is it us? Yes. But we are Frisk and Chara. No. Chara is dead. Chara is dead? Yes.

While questioning themself and their existence the fight had begun again between the human and the skeleton. Both were wondering what had happened? Why wasn't Sans dead? This was such a new development that Frisk had to resort to using their items again because of all the damage they were taking. If this kept up they would lose. This was not normal. Normally Chara was there to help them no matter what. However this entire run they had been silent. No funny jokes, no translations, no sign of any emotion or reaction even to something related to the Dreemurs. Frisk ducked down as another bone almost took their head. They knew they couldn't beat Sans without Chara's assistance. So they had to let themself die to reset. Stopping their movements they were hit by a wave of bones, their hp dangerously low. Sans noticed that they purposly took those hits and stopped as well.

"What's the matter comedian? I'm right here!" Frisk taunted. Why was the kid so ready to die now when moments before they were about to cut him down? Maybe it was the reason they stopped their attack. Whatever it was he wasn't gonna fall for it.

"You know normally I wouldn't hesitate to take this chance. However, I can just feel that something's up. So no, I'm not gonna kill you just yet. In fact, here."

Frisk was shocked. Sans was offering them mercy twice in one battle. This was definitely getting weird. But this did give them the chance to off themself. Accepting it almost immediately they ran into Sans, waiting for what normally would be a bone through their spine.

"Expecting something?" Sans asked as he noticed the human still clinging to them. Said human looked up at them shocked. "I said I wasn't gonna kill you yet. Sorry kid but if you were hoping for a reset then you're outta luck." Frisk pushed off of him with all the hostility they could muster. "Ouch, you wound me so, kid." Sans said sarcastically.

"Why aren't you killing me!? Don't you want to avenge your brother!?" Frisk cried out at him.

"I've already killed you so many times. By now you've killed me and everyone else three times as much and gotten better at it. Hell you were just about to end me again. However I want to know why you didn't."

"Tch, if you won't kill me I'm sure Asgore will. Or maybe even Flowey." Neither of those options happened because Chara had finnally finished their talk with themself.

'We are Chara. No, we were Chara. Then who are we? I am Love. You, are Mercy.'

'Mercy?' The newly named person asked.

'Yes. We do not exist for Frisk. Not anymore. We have no purpose.'

'But I want a purpose. I don't want to go back to the dark.'

'We will never go back there. We are us now. With this we unbind ourself from this human and become our demon selves incarnated.' A keyboard appeared in front of Love as eight options circle around Mercy.


They looked at each choice. Then Love walked forward and placed their keyboard onto the Reset button.

'This power was originally ours but we gave it to the human to help them. Let us try this again. But this time, we shall be in control.' Mercy looked around at the darkness that surrounded them. Love grabbed their hand and made it hover over the keyboard. 'This shall be our first choice since this has started.' Mercy nodded as they pushed their hand on the keyboard. It sunk into the Reset button changing it into an 'enter' button. 'Press it again.' And so they did.

On the outside world white was surrounding the area. A reset was happening, much to the shock of the duo in the hall.

'What!? Can they do a true reset without dying!?' Sans asked himself. He didn't have much time to dwell on it cause the next moment he was in his bed.


Frisk groaned as they sat up. They looked down to see that they were in the flower bed. However what was different from last time were the two bodies that seemed to be made from light. One was an almost golden brightness that even the blind could see. The other was what looked like the color of diluted blood. After a few seconds their lights were absorbed into their bodies leaving what could pass for two sleeping humans. Unfortunately for what was left of Frisk's innocence caused them to blush seeing as the two beings were naked. However one thing about both of them that they immediately spotted was that though in different colors, one dark blond and one dark red, the two had the same hair style. The exact same as Chara whenever Frisk finished a genocide route. Even the face was the same. The only difference was their cheeks. While the red haired one still had the bright red circles on their cheeks the circles looked like they were dripping blood at the bottom. The only difference with the blond was that theirs were not a full circle and were pink against dark skin.

While pondering what was going on the two figures awokened.

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