Chapter 27

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Monday morning, I settled in my office and called Sally to decline the transfer.

"I understand but I appreciate you thinking about it. I am glad you called because Sam and a few other maintenance men from other complexes will be coming down for training at the end of the week. They are going to be staying in the model so can you just make sure it's cleaned."

Hearing his name sent me into a sudden panic. I stuttered, "Yeah, I will make sure it's cleaned."

"Okay, great. They will need the conference room to go over a few new ways we will order maintenance items so make sure that is blocked off for use on Friday. I think it would be good if you sat in on that too. You and Caleb can coordinate a time for that.

Feeling sweat start to moisten my armpits I said, "Will do."

I hung up the phone with Sally and my thoughts wondered to the last time Sam and I spoke. He had just found out I told his fiancé about our one-night stand and he was furious. He told me it was wishful thinking and he would have never cheated on her. We both had been drinking but we weren't drunk enough to not remember. I always thought him or his fiancé would tell corporate but instead he ignored me like I had the plague.

Sam was the last person I wanted here. We had been friends for a year before the incident and even though I knew sleeping together was wrong, I was upset to lose our friendship.

I tried to focus my attention off Sam visiting and back to my work. After a couple failed attempts, I was alleviated when my phone rang.

"This is Abby."

Natalie's pleasant voice came through the line." Nick's on 1."

I was confused. Nick never called me on the office line.


"Hey it's Nick. Can you come to my office? I need your help with something."

"Why didn't you call my cell?"

"I don't know. Its work related so I thought calling you on your business phone would be more proper."

"Right. Okay, I'll be right up."

Nick was sitting at his desk and it reminded me of the first time I had been in here to discuss the eviction. He looked just as sexy now as he did that day.

"Hey, what's going on?" I walked over and stood on the other side of his desk.

Without saying anything, he leaned over and gave me a passionate kiss. It made my knees feel like goo.

Playfully he said, "Yum, you taste like...cherry is it?"

"Yeah, it's chap stick. I have to wear it because my lips are chapped from all the making out." I winked at him.

"Good to know. I'll have to buy you a big supply. I don't plan on stopping kissing you anytime soon." He gave me another soft kiss and continued, "But I promise I didn't ask you here to suck face. I need your help with this."

I glared at the stacks of papers on his desk. "Yeah, you seem to have a lot going on here. What is all this?"

"Well, some of it is my personal banking stuff and the rest is investor crap. Financial paperwork, reports and all that fun stuff. Typically, Paul handles all of the investor documents at his office but he's moving so we've had to make a few adjustments. So, I was hoping you could help your awesome boyfriend out and file some of it away for me."

"Don't you have an assistant for that?"

"She's on vacation. With the new property in Kentucky and all the paperwork for that, I am swamped, and I just don't have time to do all this right now. I kind of need to see my desk though. If you don't have time I understand." Nick sighed.

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