Chapter 7

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I managed to gain composure before exiting the elevator. I walked past Natalie at the front desk and shut my office door. I slumped down in my chair, focusing on a blank computer screen in front of me.

I had lost my cool with the Mr. Nicholas Finn. The man who I didn't know was my boss, my bosses' boss. I suppose his full last name wasn't in system as he didn't want anyone to know he worked from the complex. The man owned the whole building. And me. I couldn't shake the feeling I will be out on my ass in a few hours and I had to figure out what I was going to do.

I heard a knock at my door and Natalie entered. "Abby, are you okay?"

My voice was low and shaky. "I am going to lose my job, Natalie. I went to see Nick about the eviction letter and turns out this is his complex. He owns the whole thing. He is the investor for Gulf Breeze. Please tell me you didn't know all of this."

She gasped. "No, I had no idea. I am pretty sure none of the staff knew either. You heard Sabrina and Melanie yesterday. They had no idea who he was. The guy kept a low profile. Why do you think you're going to lose your job?"

I told Natalie the whole confrontation with Nick and how he got Sally on the phone.

"It's going to be fine. Why don't you take a few hours off or the whole day and cool down? We can manage without you for an afternoon."

Natalie's idea didn't sound bad. Plus, I was only a phone call away.

"Good call. I am going to go sleep off this nightmare. Call me if anything comes up."

I hugged her as I left my office. Natalie was the one friend I was making here, and I appreciated her. Plus, I needed a hug. I had been at work for an hour and with all the confrontation I was drained.

I got to my condo and fell onto the couch. I looked around and realized if I got fired I would already miss this place. In the short few days I had been here I was enjoying my job and making new friends. I couldn't stop myself from tearing up anytime I thought of losing it all. I worked hard to get to this point in my life.

I jumped when I heard a knock. I didn't want to see anyone in the state I was in. The knock sounded again and this time it was hard and loud. A few more bangs and I decided I should answer before someone called the cops and I had to send myself a noise disturbance letter. I felt like punching whoever was behind the door.

I opened the door quickly and let out a small yelp.

Standing in front of me was the one and only Mr. Finn with papers in his hand. Probably my termination papers.

He cleared his throat. "Abby, I wanted to give these to you. You fled my office so quickly that you left them behind."

He handed me the stack and his fingers rubbed up against mine. The slight touch sent goose bumps down my spine and our eyes were locked to each other. Nick licked his lips. The gesture was seductive and I was instantly aroused.

He blinked a few times and shook his head, breaking our fugue state. I glanced at the papers, needing to turn my attention to something else before I kissed his tantalizing lips. They were my financials, not termination papers.

"Oh, thanks. Look, I wanted to apologize again for raising my voice with you earlier."

He smiled at me. "May I come in?"

What the hell more did this man want from me today? My secret hope was maybe to give me a "proper" welcome to the complex.

"Uh, sure. Come in." I stepped aside to let him come through the doorway.

I watched him as he walked around my living room, nodding his head. I was confused. Was he judging my stuff?

Finally, he spoke. "You must love it here. Your décor screams beach. And we do have the best beaches here."

Nick turned to me and for the first time since I had met him his face looked soft. I didn't know how old he was but he seemed younger than before. Not as stiff and serious.

"I like that you know your job. It makes me happy that Gulf Breeze has a manager that follows the rules and is not afraid of confrontation."

If he only knew.

I took the opportunity to find out a little more information about my predecessor. "I am guessing the old manager didn't follow rules?"

"She didn't. I have used the condo for my office for a few years. I came and went every day and I think she knew I used the space for work, she just never said anything. She definitely didn't send me an eviction letter. She had no balls." A smile formed on his perfect face.

Who is this man? He was such an ass yesterday coming into the complex and then on the phone and now he can't stop smiling. My head was spinning and I needed to sit down.

He must have noticed the flat look on my face. "You look tired. I just wanted to bring your papers back to you. I also wanted to tell you that I received the plan from Sally to get the maintenance costs down and it seems doable. Make sure to watch the expenses closely."

The tense and serious man was back.

He started to leave. "I am sure we will be seeing each other soon. Again, it was a pleasure." He winked at me and left.

I didn't move from the couch. This couldn't be the same man because each encounter with him, he was different. He must be crazy. I leaned back and rested my head on the throw pillow. This day has been shit from the start and now I was turned on by the same man that just pissed me off less than an hour ago. I closed my eyes and envisioned Nick having his way with me all over his office.

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