Volume II: Chapter Three

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Eighteen Weeks

"Come on Midoriya, we'll be late if we don't leave now." Bakugo checked his watch once more. They have an appointment with the doctor to see how their little pumpkin is doing.

"Sorry, had to pee." (As always) Midoriya popped out of their room, sweatpants and Bakugo's shirts. All ready to go. "Let's see how you look baby!" He patted his stomach happily.

The freezing cold air hit their face as they trudged their way through the falling snow. No looking at pretty lights today. Bakugo made sure Midoriya was secure inside the vehicle before he got inside the drivers seat.

"Thank you for warming it up Kacchan!" Midoriya put his hands up to the heating vents. Omegas love to be warm and cozy.

"Of course." His bottom lip quivered, thankfully Midoriya didn't notice or ask questions.

Midoriya hummed a Christmas tune while they passed many decorations and shops. He absolutely loved this time of year. "Don't you host a Christmas party every year?" He questioned the Alpha.

"Usually I do and donate all the funds to the a local place in need." Bakugo stopped at the red light.

Midoriya glanced at his Alpha questionably, "Usually? Why not this year?" He'd love to meet some of Bakugo's co-workers and friends.

"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I can still throw something together, if you're okay with it." He pulled into a parking stall near the hospital entrance.

"I'd love for you to have a party! I can make Christmas cookies and hang up decorations!!" Midoriya rambled about the multiple ideas he could pull off, just in the matter of seconds he could plan the entire evening.

"Okay okay. Let's talk about that later, for now let's go see our baby." Bakugo pulled Midoriya outside, wrapping his arm around him to keep his warmth. They checked in and are now waiting for Midoriya's names to be called.

The nurse came to the waiting room shortly after, bringing them back into a small cubed room. All the equipment ready for the their needs. "Okay. I'll be putting this gel on your stomach, I warmed it up for ya!" She gave him a boxy grin. "Ah! There's your baby!" She seemed just as excited as they were.

Midoriya attempted to keep his composure but failed—hot tears streamed down his rosy cheeks. He felt the Alpha's gaze between him and the electric screen showing their bean. Seeing your child for the first time made it all feel real.

"Would you like to hear the heartbeat?"

They both nodded while she flipped the switch. The rhythmic beating filled the white room. "Ohmygosh~" Midoriya leaned on Bakugo as best as he could. "We made something so precious." He wiped his nose onto the Alpha's shirt.

Bakugo didn't even care at this moment. "Yeah." He was in a trance, a spell casted upon him. Their sweet baby isn't even here yet but made him stop in his tracks. Every ounce of his being, every cell and vessel told him to protect these two at all costs. He'll do whatever it takes to keep them safe.

"I'm guessing you would like pictures?" The nurse chuckled, catching their attention. Both of them shook their heads. "I'll be back shortly." She left them alone to collect their thoughts.

"Who knew omegas could be useful for something?" Bakugo broke the ice with humor, as always.

"Shut it Alpha." Midoriya smirked while wiping away his now-cold tears. "All you did was cum and I did the rest!"

Ah yes, my little spitfire. A smile plastered onto his lips. "Yeah yeah." He waved off that comment. He'll let him win for once.

The nurse came back promptly. She asked a few questions about Midoriya's moods and symptoms. Then explained the upcoming symptoms for the second trimester. She sent them on their way with their new visual of their baby.

"Can we get milkshakes?" Midoriya climbed into the passenger seat. "Please?~" he asked with his sweet innocent puppy eyes. No way the Alpha could resist.

"Fine. Don't do anything weird." Bakugo already knew what was going to happen.


"Thank you baby!" Midoriya dipped the salted fries into his chocolate milkshake like it was ketchup. He hummed a happy tune while shoveling the food onto his demanding tastebuds.

Bakugo didn't know how Omegas survive pregnancy. Eating weird foods was one thing but dipping french fries into a milkshake is a move brought up by Satan himself. (A/N: I've never tried it but it looks good 🥺)

Midoriya finished his weird snack, yawning after such a tiring workout. "It's time for a nap." He stated.

"It's not even noon." Bakugo retorted, setting down his book.

"Is your placenta working hard to build?" Midoriya was slightly angered by that comment. Though he tried not to show it. "Didn't think so. Now excuse me." And off he went to cover himself in a fluffy blanket and sleep blissfully.

Bakugo sighed, knowing he hit Midoriya's sensitive nerves. The Alpha sat down the book before shuffling after his Omega. "Baby boy?~"

"Leave me alone." Midoriya pouted underneath the warm covers. Today he's mad. That's the main emotion at this moment.

Bakugo snaked under the covers, hugging Midoriya from behind. "I'm not going away until I make you laugh." He stated.

"Good luck."

"What if I happened to...?" He set his hands on Midoriya's side— a warning perhaps?

Midoriya gasped dramatically, "you wouldn't dare."

"Oh but I would!" Bakugo tickled the Omega until he could barely breathe. He kissed his plump, smiling lips sweetly. "I told you. Now do you want me to leave you alone?"

"Will you let me sleep?"





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