Chapter Ten

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"Happy Birthday baby!" Midoriya sang at the sleeping Alpha, who groaned in response. "I made french toast, with extra cinnamon~" Midoriya giggled at how fast the Bakugo poked his head up. Also the bed head was pretty funny as well.

"Mmmm~" Bakugo groaned once more. The french toast won't even know what hit it. The Alpha got up to brush his teeth, Midoriya right behind him just watching. The omega has been very clingy over the past few day. "Can I brush my teeth in peace?" He asked while placing the minty substance inside his mouth. It was too early for such love. He needs coffee.

Midoriya didn't move a muscle, "Yes." He replied, still not moving. "You look so beautiful today." The smaller one complimented. For some weird reason, he feels nice while near the Alpha.

Bakugo finished brushing his teeth, heading out to the kitchen for his birthday breakfast. Midoriya still hot on his trail. He sat down in front of the steaming plate, Midoriya scooted closer that he's ever been before at the table. "Why are you so clingy?"

"No reason." He replied while eating a fluffy piece. Not that he would tell Bakugo but it's a secret for a later time. "How's your toast?" Midoriya leaned against the Alpha, looking up ever so sweetly.

Bakugo put on a smile for now, "It's good." He was deeply annoyed that Midoriya hasn't said anything about being attached to his hip. Maybe?... No, no. He shook the terrifying thought out of his head. He'll be more careful from now on. "I'm going for a walk." Bakugo stood, making the chair fly out.

The sudden movements startled little Midoriya. "O-okay!" He squeaked. "Just be back by dark please. I'll worry." The omega stood up onto his chair, kissing the Alpha's lips. A sweet syrupy taste.

Bakugo couldn't help but kiss back. Even though his sweet little omega was getting on his nerves, that didn't change how he felt. "I got it. Don't burn the place down."  He teased.

"I-I won't!" Soft Midoriya is back.

The Alpha chuckled, "I know."

"Don't forget your scarf! It's cold outside." Midoriya ran to the back room and back to place a bright red scarf around the Alpha's neck.


The streets were cool, snow still covered the tops of houses and leafless trees.

Bakugo walked slowly down the sidewalk, passing strangers and open shops. He needed a silent walk, away from the omega. The Alpha did love Midoriya but he also needs his space.

He sighed at his own duality. Why would he want time away from such a beautiful creature? This is what he wanted, he still wants it. To put a ring on Midoriya, he's going to do it but it's waiting for Midoriya. The right time for him.

Midoriya and him have been living together for approximately five months. Some Alpha's and Omega's get married after their second heats together. By then generally most pairs have bonded and it would be nearly impossible for either person to find a new mate.

Bakugo made a turn around the block, heading home after his cold walk. He needed to cool himself off and think. Midoriya being clingy isn't the worst thing that could happen, him leaving would be.

He sighed into the doorway of his dark home. It seemed almost as if no one was home. "Midoriya?" He called out while turning on the lights to see a trail of red rose pedals, leading all the way to their bedroom. "Baby?" The Alpha followed the magical path that would lead to his baby. (Hopefully) He began to hear soft music.

Bakugo could see a dim pink light from under the doorway to the bedroom. He opened the door to see Midoriya sitting on the bed in a short sleeved tuxedo. Along with a little bow tie. Midoriya's intoxicating vanilla scent was a literal slap in the face. He could feel his Alpha hormones pumping. "What's this?" He asked in his deep raspy voice. His index finger pointed towards a chair in the middle of their room.

Midoriya got up, strutting towards his Alpha, "It's your present." The greenette gripped Bakugo's hand, leading him towards the chair. He pushed the Alpha down, quickly unravelling the scarf. Midoriya used it to wrap up Bakugo's hands behind the chair.

Bakugo normally would fight it but it seemed like Midoriya had a plan. He'll play along for now.

Midoriya leaned over the chair, stroking the Alpha's chest slowly. He made his way down to Bakugo's pants line, then switched back up to his chest once more.

"Mmm, fucking tease." Bakugo snarled.

The greenette didn't reply but unbuttoned the top two buttons of Bakugo's shirt. He reached his hand inside the shirt for a split second, rubbing their skin together then aborting the mission once more. Teasing his his specialty. "Choose one item of clothing for me to take off." Midoriya finally gave him a say after getting him riled up.

"Jacket. Now."

He did as Bakugo commanded, he threw the jacket off to the side. Midoriya sat on Bakugo's lap, straddling the Alpha. He gazed directly into his ruby red eyes before pressing their lips together. The smaller male licked Bakugo's bottom lip, asking for on entrance which was granted. A hard object grew hard from underneath him. Bakugo's member begged to get in on the action but Midoriya did a thing. He disconnected their lips, reconnecting onto the Alpha's neck, sucking roughly.

Bakugo wanted to tear the scarf in half and dominate but, Midoriya seemed to have put a lot of thought into this. Once again, he'll stand down. His painfully large member needs some love soon too.

Midoriya got off the Alpha, turning around while unbuttoning his white undershirt. He slid the light fabric, exposing his soft shoulders.


To be continued...

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