Chapter Five

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Bakugo attempted to keep his distance but, they've scented. The vanilla scent embedded inside of his scent gland drive him up the wall. Any time the Alpha was away, he'd get the overwhelming urge to protect Midoriya. Even if he was in their home, doing nothing out of the ordinary.

Depression had taken over the Omega, he's consistently depressed because of his stupid body wanting a baby. Midoriya was consistently nervous the past few day, especially when Bakugo left. The Omega can't understand why his body would do that to him.

Midoriya sighed while playing with the eggs on his plate. His Alpha— No! Bakugo had left for work earlier this morning. I guess the messed up part is I find myself sleeping in his bed every night. He needs to talk to someone, he knows just who to reach out to.


The Omega decided not to finish his plate of eggs, which was a mistake. He's only ten minutes into his walk towards his friends home and he's starving. Midoriya sighed, which he's been doing a lot lately.

He'd noticed that everyone walked around him. Usually people would bump shoulders at least, or recognize him from being a dancer. Today, no one confronted or even came near him, almost as if they were afraid. Of course they'd be terrified, he thought to himself. He smells like a dominant Alpha!

Midoriya made it to the doorstep of his friend's home. Before he could even knock, the tall male opened the door, rushing him inside. "Hey! What was that for?"

"You reek of Alpha, you trying to get yourself hurt!"

"I'm sorry Todoroki, I don't know what else to do." Midoriya fell down to the Alpha's feet, bawling his eyes out for the hundredth time this morning.

Todoroki knew he shouldn't have yelled but he was just worried. Alphas will gang up on Dominants, it's rare but it happens. "I'm sorry Midoriya. You're going through a hard time, I know." He kneeled down, stroking the messy green hair. "Want some cake?"

Midoriya looked at his friend with the saddest puppy eyes. "What kind of cake?" This is an important question.

"Lemon cake, your favorite." Todoroki picked up the small male, carrying him like a small child towards his couch. Then set him down while he got a slice of the delicious dessert for both of them. "Eat up Midoriya, you'll need some strength to tell me how you got into this situation."

Midoriya explained how they met at XX Club. Bakugo had offered money and housing, two things that Midoriya needed. They lived fine together, cooking meals, watching TV. Everything was good until the heat came. "Why do I need to be a stupid Omega?" Midoriya was now finished with his cake, cuddling with is own legs on the sofa.

"You're not stupid. Society made everything this way." Todoroki caressed Midoriya's cheek for comfort. "How do you feel about the situation, hm?"

Mainly he's depressed but that's depression for ya! "I guess I feel, saddened?" He honestly wouldn't know how he truly felt until after the depression losses it's effect. "Bakugo will make a good Alpha someday but I didn't want to get physical so soon."

"So you admit that you've thought about becoming his wife huh?" Todoroki gave his friend a nudge. "You know him and I went to the same high school, UA High. And your favorite hero was one of our teachers!"

Midoriya's ignore the first comment. Then green emeralds shimmered, "Woah! What was Bakugo like then?" He just has to know the details.

"Well, Bakugo was a major hot head. Always picking fights." Todoroki watched to make sure the Omega was still interested, which he was. "He has this little mission with children and he started changing slowly over time after that. He seems like a good person now."

"Yeah, he is." Midoriya blushed at the thought of Bakugo's forehead kisses. What am I doing? He thought. Why is he blushing?

"I smell happy pheromones." Todoroki smiled warmly. Alphas can sense mood changes in Omegas, even if the Omega has been claimed by a different Alpha. "How about I walk you home? I don't want to get my ass kicked by your Alpha."

"Shut up. He isn't my Alpha!" His facial screamed lies.



"Thank you Todoroki!~" Midoriya opened the door to Bakugo's home. "Bye bye!" He skipped in to see the Alpha pacing around the kitchen. "Bakugo?" He questioned.

"Midoriya!" The Alpha ran over, checking his Omega for any battle wounds. "I'm so glad you're okay." He pulled the smaller male in for a protective hug. My baby smells like a different Alpha! Stay cool.

"What's this for?" Midoriya questioned the hug. "I only went to go see Todoroki." I probably smell like him.

Bakugo muttered under his breath, "Half n' half bastard, touching my Omega." He started to rub his caramel scent all over the Omega. No one over powers him.

"S-stop! You're embarrassing me." Midoriya honestly didn't mind but he's the panic type. The caramel scent also made him feel, safe and secure. "Bakugo, your hair is poking me." He moved it out of the way, it was surprisingly soft.

"Oh sorry." Bakugo stopped with the scenting. "I'm also sorry for, ya know."

"We'll work through it." Midoriya hopped onto the Alpha to kiss his forehead.

"Become my wife."

"In your dreams Alpha."


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