Life in Light Year- Chapter Five

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Just a reminder that Ethan has a dirty mouth and if you aren't comfortable with swearing/cursing then don't read (or if you're not old enough). Otherwise, ENJOY!

Chapter Five

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no.

This isn't my life. My life revolves around making deadlines for my job, reading books- a lot of books- and watching old movies. My life revolves around trying to piss my parents off as much as I can without having them write me out of the will completely and trying to avoid my geeky neighbour Gerald in the hallway of our flat block.

Gerald was now being pulled out of his car by an alien, who I was responsible for.

"You think you're so clever don't you! How long have you been following her from place to place?" He screamed.

It was at this point I made the decision to intervene. I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car in one fluid movement, just as Gerald screamed, "I honestly have no idea what you're talking about!"

"Fuck you!" Ethan spat, before slamming his hands down on Gerald's shoulders so hard that his legs buckled and he crumpled to the ground in a quivering mess.

"Stop it!" I screamed and dashed forward to help Gerald. Ethan kicked Gerald in the stomach, winding him before turning to me with the most terrifying look I had ever seen him wear. He glowered at me before realising his scary look wasn't stopping me from moving to intervene. It was then he used force to stop me. He grabbed my forearm in a grip like a vice and twisted it so it was painfully pressed up against the small of my back. I yelped in pain but this didn't seem to stop him.

"This man," he growled in a furious tone, "wants to kill us; me, you and my family. You stop me now and you sign your own death certificate." My eyes flickered to Gerald, who was slowly getting to his feet. Relief flooded through me when I realised he wasn't badly hurt, but relief soon turned to horror as I watched his left hand drift down from where he was clutching his stomach and ribs to his belt. When his coat moved to the side my eyes widened where I saw a holster, in which a pistol sat which glinted in the sun.

"Shit, Ethan-" I gasped, and shrieked as Ethan let go of me.

"Get out of the way," he hissed as he pushed me roughly back towards the car, with such force that I fell over. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion, like it did in the movies. Ethan raised his gun just as Gerald aimed and flicked the safety catch. I covered my eyes, unable to watch. I was breathing heavily, unable to draw enough air in. Someone was about to get shot and I was going to be a witness. What were all the other people in the street doing? Surely they would have heard the commotion; seen the guns. We were all going to jail. The bang that I expected never came and soon my hands were being ripped away from my face. My vision was hazy and I felt dizzy, but eventually I managed to focus on a pair of dark grey eyes.

"You have to pull yourself together. We need to move. Now," Ethan said calmly. Ethan. Ethan was alive. That meant Gerald... that meant that Gerald was- I couldn't finish that sentence. I didn't even hear the gun. Maybe there was a silencer on it.

"I can't believe you did it. You actually... killed him. Another human being and you killed him!" I screeched and started swatting him, trying to get him away from me. I never liked Gerald sure, but he didn't deserve to die. I didn't even understand why Ethan was hurting him; what could Gerald have done that was so offensive? Gerald was harmless!

"What the fuck are you chatting about? I only fucking knocked him out, you fucking idiot," Ethan was saying and when I looked up I saw him dragging an unconscious Gerald to the boot of the car. "Are you gonna help or just stand there like a bloody lemon?" I blinked and shook my head to clear my head. I walked swiftly over to where Gerald's feet lay and grabbed him by the ankles. Together, we managed to swing him up and into the boot of the car. Ethan quickly grabbed me by the shoulders and steered me to the passenger seat of the car before sprinting round to his side and getting in. It took me a minute to realise that I was shaking violently.

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