"What's wrong with Asta?"

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It was a normal day at The Black Bulls hideout. Except. It wasn't. Everyone was downstairs, doing the usual. Charmy eating, Vanessa getting drunk, Finral waiting to be used as a teleportation device again, and Luck wanting to fight everyone. But someone was missing. "Has anyone seen Asta?" Luck asked, worry in his voice.
"Maybe he overslept?" Finral exclaimed. Everyone looked at Noelle. "W-Why are you guys looking at me?! I don't know what Dorksta is doing and I really don't care!"
"Noelle, it would be best for you to check on him. After all, you two are close." Noelle took Magna's words and finally went up the stairs to find the idiot who didn't want to show up.

The royal walked through the halls of the hideout, finally finding his room, banging on the door. "Asta! Did you oversleep? Everyone's waiting for you!" No response. Noelle kind of got confused. Usually he'd answer right away. But.. not anymore apparently.. She opened the door slowly, peeping her head in, seeing him staring out the window. "Asta?" Finally, the ash blond turned to look at Noelle. He had such a depressing look on his face. "What is it..?"
"Asta, what's wrong? You're not acting normally..."
"I'm fine, Noelle."
"Stop lying, Asta. I know you too well. There is something wrong." Asta didn't respond after that.

What is with him..? It's like he's.. missing something... Noelle tried to process the situation. All she knew in that moment was Asta was upset and he's refusing to speak to her about it. Finally, Asta spoke. "Is it a day off today..?"
"Captain Yami said we were. Why?" Asta turned to look at Noelle. "Is it possible for me to see Yuno before The Royal Knights Entrance Exam?" Noelle was kind of shocked by hearing that. Asta wants to see Yuno? He never really mentions visiting anyone. Actually, he never has. "Well, I could see if Magna could take you there.. But, why do you wanna see that Golden Dawn?"
"Because I need to speak to him. Nothing else."
"If you insist... Just get ready and then you can see him." Asta finally stood up from his bed, stretching a bit. He grabbed his headband and put it on his forehead, making sure it isn't ruining his hair. Putting on his robe, he headed downstairs, still looking tired as hell. "Hey, Rasta. What's up with you and seeing that guy?"
"I told Noelle already. I just need to." Magna didn't say anything else and just lead Asta to The Crazy Cyclone. Asta got onto it, making sure to be holding onto Magna so he doesn't fall off. And like that, they rode to The Golden Dawn's Hideout.

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