Just some help

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Louis's POV:

I watched as the door closed and Liam had finally left.

I felt a bit of anxiety after I realized that he was gone for the night and pretty much left me with a child. I didn't realize how much I was internally panicking until I was caught off guard by a small whimper.

I turned to focus my attention on Harry who was sliding off the couch and landed on his bum.

His eyes were full of tears as he sniffled and started to crawl away from me.

I immediately went to grab him but he was too fast. He had already squished himself behind the couch, his little knees tucked into his chest as he held onto his stuffie for dear life.

" Harry babes, please come out ". I sighed, getting on my hands and knees to look behind the couch.

" uh uh ". He mumbled, his bottom lip jutting out as his curly hair fell in front of his face.

" what's going on with you, huh? You were just fine ". I said, titling my head sideways to see in the small area between the walls and the couch.

" m'scared ". He mumbled, playing with his bottom lip.

I just sighed and stood back up, using all my strength to push the couch out so I could get to Harry.

" Harry love, there's nothing to be afraid of...". I started, the couch pushed out from the wall. I walked over to Harry and gently picked him up, placing him on my hip. " except for the tickle monster! ".

I started to tickle Harry's neck which got him to crack a smile and let out a giggle.

" see! No sad faces here! Just smiles ". I cheered, bouncing Harry up and down.

The small boy giggled once more before placing his head on my shoulder, relaxing his body.

I didn't realize how big I was smiling until my cheeks were hurting. It's been awhile since I had a little to love and call my own. This felt nice for once.

I patted the boys bottom and noticed the wet soggy feeling. I grimaced. I haven't changed a nappy in awhile either.

" I think someone had an uh oh! ".

That caught Harry's attention.

He immediately sat up and looked at me with such a grumpy face, his little arms crossed over his chest as his bottom lip poked out.

" No I didn't! You dids! ". He whined, his little chubby cheeks turning pink.

I tried my best to hold in my laughs as I stared at his little grumpy face.

" I'm sorry, love. Of course it was me, how silly is it of me to think that such a big boy like you had an accident? ". I smiled, playing along with his little game.

Harry's attitude seemed to diminish as I carried him into the bathroom, placing him on his feet.

" well...". He began, rubbing his arm sheepishly.

I just nodded for him to go on as I pulled the shower curtains back and started the water so I could give the boy a much needed bath.

" can I tell you a secret? ". He asked, as I sat down on the closed lid of the toilet seat.

" anything babes ". I smiled, tugging on his dirty shorts.

" w-well, it wasn't you. I m-might h-have done something naughty ". He admitted, playing with his fingers.

" and what ever could that be? ". I questioned as I pretended to be shocked, a strong scent of urine hitting my nostrils.

Harry gestured for me to come closer, so I leaned my head in as he cupped his hands over my ear.

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