Pink is okay

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Hi everyone! I'm so excited to give you guys another update on this book! I've been super busy but now I've got a bit of free time! This chapter was heavily requested so I have delivered!

I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment for more!

Happy reading😊❣️


After we got home and I managed to put everything away, I decided to lay Harry down for a nap.

He is currently snuggled up right in the middle of the bed, the only thing to be seen is his head full of curls.

I closed the door gently, smiling to myself as I walked out to the kitchen and sat at the table where Liam was waiting for me with an expectant expression.

" what? ". I snapped, getting tired of his stare.

" what do you mean what? Tell me what happened! How did it go from not keeping him to buying the whole damn store out? ". He asked.

I sighed as I leaned forward and thumped my head down on the table.

" I don't know ". I mumbled, hearing Liam chuckle.

I heard Liam get up from his seat, I suddenly felt a hand pat me on the shoulder.

" you do know, mate ". He assured, grabbing his keys off the counter.

I popped up quickly and spun around to look at him.

" where are you going? ". I questioned, Liam is my only friend and about all the company I have except Harry now.

He just smiled, " I'll be back in a bit ".

And with that he left me.

Just left me!

Some best friend he is!

I only let myself pout for a little bit before getting up and deciding to clean. I still have to order a few things for Harry for his room as well.

Speaking of the angel...

I heard soft steps approaching me, a small yawn and a slight tug on my shirt.

I turned around and scooped him up, kissing him all over making him giggle.

He rubbed his eyes and laid his head on my shoulder.

" you are suppose to be asleep, mister ". I teased, moving some of his hair out of his face.

" yeah, but you weren't there and Mr. picky picky said to come get you ". He replied, holding up his stuffed cat.

" awe, so does that mean Mr. picky picky likes me ". I smiled, kissing the little on the top of his head.

" not really, he doesn't forgive you for the bath ". Harry bluntly said, looking up with serious expression.

" well, how about you, me and Mr. picky picky pick out some pajamas! There will be a bath for you but not him ". I suggested, carrying the boy off into his room.

I sat him on the small bean bag chair I got him and started getting some of his pajamas out.

" what about these ones? ". I asked, the shirt was green with a monster truck on it and the pants were camo.

Harry shook his head.

" next one! ". He ordered, playing with his stuff cat.

I then held up a blue pair, the shirt had a dinosaur on it and the pants were grey.

Harry pouted as he got up, making his way next to me and looking in the drawer.

" Lou Lou, why are all my clothes blue and green? ". He asked, rummaging threw the rest.

" I thought you would like them! There are monster trucks, dinosaurs and trains! ". I explained, showing him each pair.

" but they aren't pretty ". He said softly, looking up with tears in his eyes.

" oh honey, it's okay! I thought they would be cute little boy clothes. Is there something else you want? ". I asked, squatting down to his level.

" I like pink, Lou Lou. I don't like these clothes ". He admitted, looking at the clothes I purchased with a pout.

I honestly didn't think of what Harry would like. I started grabbing all the clothes I could find in the boys section his size.

But they don't make pink boy clothes...

" I'm sorry, Louis. I shouldn't have said that I like these I promise ". He said quickly, picking up the monster truck ones slowly.

I grabbed the clothes from his hands and placed them back, grabbing him under the shoulders and lifting him up on my hip.

" Harry, Lou Lou needs to have a serious talk with you ". I started and I could see Harry holding back tears.

" you know I would never judge you for wanting pink clothes, right? ". I asked, watching as tears slowly ran down his face.

He slowly nodded his head and wiped his tears away with the back of his hand.

" b-but they didn't like it a-and called me a g-girl! I'm a boy, Lou Lou! ". He cried.

" oh hun ". I mumbled, rubbing Harry's back up and down as I walked around the room.

I had to let him cry out the hurt. I didn't know who 'they' was but obviously there was some trauma.

" Louis knows you are a boy, there is no doubt about that. You are just a boy who likes pink and there's nothing wrong with that ". I explained, still shushing him gently.

" weally? ". He asked, his eyes wide and his lip poked out.

" yes really, we can get on the computer later and I'll let you pick out a few clothes that you like, alright?". I asked, watching Harry smile and nod his head.

" okay, but for right now do you want to wear these ones? ".

Harry immediately shook his head.

" they don't feel right on me, Lou Lou ". He sniffled, closing the drawer back.

I accepted that and decided that one of my white plan t-shirts would do for the night. It was going to be pretty big on him but I knew he would be more comfortable in it.

He had another nice warm bath, then I wrapped him up in a towel and placed him on my bed. I tickled his tummy until he couldn't breathe from the laughter.

I then got him all dressed, giving him a big kiss on his cheek.

God, I haven't felt this way in years.

I was happy and content.

This is what I was missing, I may not have been ready before but I definitely am now.

I carried Harry out to the living room and sat on the couch. I let him pick out a few clothes that he thought were 'pretty'.

Of course I had to go to the little girls section but I didn't let Harry see that.

I didn't mind.

I don't care if he likes pink, I don't care if he picks rainbows over monster trucks...I love him as he is.

And that's the way it'll remain as long as he is in my care.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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