Chapter seven

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Third P.O.V.

"Dad?" "Folarea, is that you?" Mazikeen and Sinbad could hear the voices of their Djinns. "What the fuck?" Mazikeen said. Sinbad was a little upset about her language but chose to ignore it for now. "Wait, the name of your Djinn was Focalor, right?" Mazikeen asked her father. "Yeah, why?" He asked her confused. "When I went into the dungeon, it said that it was the dungeon of Folarea, daughter of Focalor." Sinbad eyes widen at that. "I didn't even know he had a daughter." Mazikeen thought for a moment before speaking again. "You wouldn't happen to have the Djinn Baal, would you?" she asked. "Yes." He answered surprised. "I have another Djinn named Baylee. The daughter of Baal." "What a coincidence." Sinbad breathed out a laugh. Suddenly Mazikeen smirked again. "What? Scared to fight now?" He smirked back at her. "Absolutely not." 

~A few weeks later~

Third P.O.V.

In the last few weeks Mazikeen got out of the palace sometimes. Yamuraiha made her hair look different with magic so the people wouldn't know who she was and she could get used to it. Though she still didn't say why she was so scared.  Alibaba and Aladdin lost their gained weight and now her father wanted to tell them how the negotiations went. "I'll start with the results. The Kou Empire will put Balbadd under their authority, but they allow it to self-govern as a republic. The freedom of the citizens is guaranteed. They won't be forced into slavery." He began after everybody arrived. The three girls spaced out a little but still listened. "Because you've already caught the attention of the organization." When he said that Jade, Ruby and Mazikeen snapped their heads in his direction. "Al-Thamen" Mazikeen mumbled but the others seemed to have heard her because they looked at her. "You know them?" Sinbad asked her surprised. "...We've crossed parts a few times with them." She said, looking uncomfortable. Sinbad noticed and didn't want to push it now because they weren't alone so he just continued and turned to Alibaba. "I think you may already now this but your Djinn equip skills and Aladdin's magic are still pretty rough around the edges." He said after explaining what 'Al-Thamen' is and asking them to help them. "There is a highly-skilled magician and a swordsman in the palace now. I'm planning to ask them to mentor you two very soon." "There's a magician here?" Aladdin asked. "That's right. An extremely talented water mage. Although it may seem a little bit odd for a magi, the ultimate magician, to seek instruction from a spell caster, she's quite good and can teach you all the skills that you need." All of a sudden a soldier ran through the door. "Your majesty." He said as he got down on one knee. "A south seas creature has appeared offshore in the east." "Good timing! Let me show you the extent of your future mentor skills and I want you to really think it over and decide what you're going to do." Sinbad got up and spoke to the soldier. "Go summon the eight generals." Mazikeen was about to walk away because it would be outside when Sinbad stopped her. "Wait, Maze. Why don't you come with us." He said with a smile. She looked at him surprised. "I-I don't know." she stuttered quietly. "You could see how it is and if you don't feel well you can go back but I want you to try so I can officially introduce you as Sindria's princess as fast as possible." She thought for a moment about it and looked at her two friends, who stood at the doorway. They both nodded and smiled at her. She didn't smile back but nodded at her father. The three girls and the other trio stood on the beach with the Sindrians as they waited for the generals and Sinbad to appear. They watched in awe as two of the eight generals killed it and served it but not Mazikeen. She was surprised that she didn't freak out with so many people. Yeah, she was nervous but she was okay. It wasn't the first time this happend but normally it would take her longer. The six of them walked up to the king and his generals. He introduced Yamuraiha and Sharrkan to their students and now the three girl understood why Sinbad grabbed his head when Aladdin jumped up from the table a few weeks ago when they were getting introduced to each other. Sinbad looked at the trio. "What about you three? Got any wishes to learn something?" He asked them with his arms crossed and a grin on his face. "Not really." Jade answered. "Normally we just train with Maze and try to beat her." Ruby finished with a closed eyed smile. Sinbad nodded and motioned for Mazikeen to follow him. While everybody was talking they went a little to the side. "How did you feel?" he asked after they got some privacy. "Well... I took it better than I expected." She admitted. He smiled at that. "Good cause I was thinking on introducing you as Sindria's princess tomorrow, not today because of the Mahrajan festival." He said excited. Her eyes widen and her mouth dropped a little. "I-I ... I don't know if I'm ready yet." She stuttered, startled. "I'm sure you will be fine!" He assured her. She wasn't sure but nodded anyway. "Great! I'm going to prepare everything. You also have to wear a dress." He said looking at her outfit. "Ugh. I hate dresses. They're so uncomfortable." She argued. He chuckled. "It's just for one night." She sighed and agreed reluctantly.

That night at Mahrajan Sinbad didn't drink as much as he did normally. He did drink but not enough to get drunk. He wanted to introduce Alibaba, Aladdin and Morgiana to the eight generals properly and had some things to do after the festival. But of course, he still flirted with a bunch of women. It's like he forgot for that moment that he had a daughter who was at the festival, too. Mazikeen was having fun until she saw her father. Her heart broke a little when she saw him. She stared at him for a moment before she sat down with a frown on her face. Her mother wrote stories about her father for her and she thought they loved each other but after she saw him she wasn't sure anymore. Was she just an accident from a long time ago? Ja'far saw her and boy was he pissed. He decided to join her with a soft smile. "Hey, Maze." He called her. She looked up at him and smiled but he new it was forced and he got even more pissed at his king for being so stupid. "Hello to you too, Ja'far." She said softly. "Are you alright?" He asked her concerned. "Yeah, yeah. I guess I'm just a little tired and nervous about tomorrow." She said as she sighed. "I think I should go to bed. Goodnight Ja'far." She said as she stood up. "Goodnight." he replied and waited til she was out of sight before storming to his king with a glare that could kill. Sinbad sweat-dropped when he saw Ja'far walking towards him and left the women to meet him. "J-Ja'far! What's the matter?" He asked nervously. "What's the matter?! You know that you have a daughter, right?!" He scolded his king. Sinbad was confused now but still a little scared. "What do you mean?" "Sin, how do you think she feels when she sees her father flirting with so many women!" Ja'far said getting more pissed but he still didn't get it. He knew she wouldn't be super happy about it but he didn't get the problem. Ja'far took a deep breath to calm himself a little before explaining. "For some reason she doesn't live with her mother and now her father is flirting with a bunch of women. Get it now?!" He asked with a vein throbbing on his forehead. Sinbad's eyes widen a little when he finally got it. "Where did she go?" He asked Ja'far. "She went to bed a few minutes ago." His viceroy told him. Sinbad quickly made his way to her room before knocking softly on her door. He didn't get a response so he slowly opened it. "Maze?" He asked as he got in. He sat on the side of her bed and noticed that she was already asleep. He sighed heavily and stroked some strands out of her face. He felt really bad but didn't want to wake her up, so he slowly stood up and walked out of the room. Just as the door closed she opened her eyes and some tears ran down her cheeks. She wasn't asleep but she didn't wanted to talk about it right now.

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